Chapter 10 | Escape

<5 weeks later>

I opened a panel in the wall and began working, trying to get the alarms to shut off. Failing at this, I instead tried to bust it. I wasn't sure if it did the trick, but I couldn't really test it or I would get in trouble. Instead I backed away from the panel and shut it, locking it back.

I opened the door of the small room and looked around. "Lily?" I called. I moved in a slow circle, scanning every corner for her. My eyes got covered and I heard a voice say. "Guess who?" I knew it was Lily so I turned around and kissed her. That's how it was now, a few weeks ago Lily had told me that as well as her personal assistant, I would also be her partner. I didn't really like the idea, and told her so. But she gave me a death glare. I thought it was actually pretty nice, but she captured my friends and thinks men are worthless so I didn't want anything to do with her besides what was forced. Anyways, I turned and gave her a kiss, but to my surprise it wasn't Lily, it was Robyn. She was blushing a lot. "Y...Y...You..." I couldn't really say anything either.

I sat on the couch of the room and Robyn sat far on the other end. "Is... this what you've been doing with Lily?" She asked me. I was surprised that that was her first question. "Listen, we don't have time for this Robyn. You really need to leave, Lily will come back soon." Robyn just nodded and left and I felt bad that we couldn't talk about what had just happened. I figured that we could talk about it later and I left it at that.

Lily came home and gave me a small kiss and went to go take a shower. She pointed to a small stack of papers. "Sort those for me please." I sighed. Lily didn't seem to like me, but it seemed that she needed a partner and a personal assistant so she told me to be both. She had also told me that she couldn't do this with her brother. I sighed. I wasn't even embarrassed anymore about the kissing, in fact I was tired. I finished the papers and went to sleep on the couch.

I left the building with shock. I touched my lips slightly and I swore I could feel his lips. I blushed a lot and ran back towards my sleeping quarters. I realized that I had forgotten to tell Sam what we were going to do, but he was just going to have to learn. It was the idiot's fault that he made me embarrassed. I saw Max and Joseph talking and walked over. Max went over the plan with me and after gave a satisfied nod. "You told Sam, right?" He said. I looked away from him and at the floor. "I sorta got busy." She said, remembering what had happened. "Got busy?" Max asked. "YOU HAD ONE JOB ROBYN!" She looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, it's not my fault that he..." Robyn stopped and blushed. "WHATEVER!" She yelled storming off.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my windows. Max was there and gestured me over. I unlocked the window and looked at him. "Max!" I whispered harshly. "Why are you here?" Max took my hand and pulled me out of the window. I almost screamed, but remembered Lily and decided to shut my mouth. We both jumped down from the window and I noticed that Max had an assault rifle. He gestured for me to follow him and together we ran to a small place where Robyn and Joseph were hiding. Joseph nodded to me and Robyn found a sudden interest in her shoes. Max looked out the hole we had come in at for a moment, then pushed a dresser into position to cover it. Together, we all ran for a while until we found granny. She was in one of the rooms of the large building. I noticed that she was standing near a hole that had been made in the wall. I went first, then Granny, then Joseph, then Robyn, Then Max. We walked side by side, crouched behind rocks and trees. We finally made it to the gate and Joseph gestured for us to stop while he went forward and pulled out a pair of pliers. He opened the gate and right when he stepped outside, a zombie grabbed him. Joseph screamed and at that moment all the lights went on and people aimed their guns all around. Max, Robyn, and I managed to hide behind a tree but Granny wasn't so lucky they spotted her and started to fire. From behind the rock I could see the blood staining the dirt behind her. What felt like hours of shooting finally ended, and the old lady lay dead on the ground. Robyn seemed to open her mouth to scream but Max put a hand over her mouth. I felt a single tear drip down my face, but I quickly swiped it away. The women came and picked up Granny. They also saw Joseph. They cut off the zombies head and grabbed Joseph. I could hear the familiar voice of Lily screaming at the top of her lungs. I couldn't help but cover my ears. She crouched down next to Joseph and cried for about 30 minutes. I didn't dare breathe, with them being so close to us. When she was done, someone locked the gate back up while the others picked up the two dead people and moved them. I dared to look out and saw them dump the bodies in a ditch. I felt outraged that they just put all the bodies in one giant ditch but I bit my tongue and then looked to the gate. "Now what..." I whispered to Max. "Take Robyn and get out." He said. He shot the brand new gate lock then rushed out, starting to fire his weapon. The people turned on him and started to fire, but he managed to take cover. I knew that if I didn't think fast that Max's sacrifice would be in vain. I took Robyn's hand and ran towards the gate. A woman saw us and aimed her gun at us. I dived, pulling Robyn down with me. The bullet shot past us, only minorly damaging a tree. I pulled Robyn up and together we ran as fast as we could away from the camp.

I cough up blood, looking up at my kidnappers. My breath came slowly, and raspy. They all looked at me. One took out a pistol, and aimed it at me. I only stuck out my middle finger, and with my last breath I said ""