Her Beginning

The computers kept her alert. Her grey eyes peer through her plastic mask. The clear plastic shield reflected each and every light in the closed area surrounded with computers and doctors. One man caught her attention. Waylon Park was fidgeting his thumbs as if trying to keep calm in a seat just in front of the glass wall overlooking the Morphogenic Engine. The keyboard was soon put to work by him.

"How are you today Mister Park? Everything going well I hope?" Steve says cheerfully as if noticing Park's nervousness.

Her eyes then looked down to her clipboard at documents of the main patients she has been reading on for weeks. Eddie Gluskin a serial killer, before being dragged into this mass experiment, caught her attention. Chris Walker was astonishing because of his large size and his self harming intentions leavings skinned areas on his forehead and leaving himself with no lips. Her attention was also worried of this Dennis fellow with his Multiple Personality Disorder and how his voices made a complete discorded family.

"I knew it was coming. You filthy fucking machines! You fucking machines! No! No, not again. No! No! Jack-booted fucks, I know what you've been doing to me. I know what you've been...urggah, ruuff... Help! Help me! Help me, they're going to rape me! Rape! Rape!" her head lifts quickly seeing Eddie being forced across the cold ground of the Morphogenic Engine area. She sees him push through the other fellow doctors' grasps and a loud bang echos from off the glass nearly knocking Waylon from his seat, instead it lifts him straight on his feet.

"Help me! Don't let them do this! Don't let them! You! I know you can stop this! You have to help me! You have to..." his eyes peering at her but pointing to Waylon from behind the glass his bare chest and naked body pressing against it. She pauses feeling slightly on edge seeing his almost pale blue eyes stare right into her as if reading her very secret.

"No..." he is then grabbed again by the doctors, "Nuuahhh! Noooo! Noooo! Fuck...pig...rapist bastards! Ohh, please help me! Heelp!" it goes quiet as he is dragged away.

"Calm down, just a slight fright Mister Park, you are free to go." with that Steve quickly steps in front of the monitor after a live view of Eddie's face shows up on it from within a life pod filled with liquid.

The right side soon developing lesions and deeply bloodshot eyes from the injected precursor molecules. The lesions evidently showing that his cells are not receptive to the nanite-production process. She notices his torment of the tubes being attached or in him through his mouth and nostrils. Her eyes peer away and she holds the clipboard close feeling eyes upon her.

"Sir I believe it is your time to go...now." the security officer looks at her and she nods.

"Very well, I will be in my quarters if needed." her voice deepened and rashed as she lowers her eye gaze.

She heads out after Waylon just as she goes on her way she spots Jeremy Blaire ordering guards to move a body. She glances and notices its Waylon. She gasps and soon catches herself and continues to walk by before he notices her. Jeremy, her employer, said she had been relieved of her work if she was unable due to the mass incident with all female associates and patients. That being suicides and false miscarriages women had announced which driven them insane with sadness and any and all loathing and grieving emotions. All women had similar effects or all effects except for Susan Ledger. Her will kept her going and working pass the tragedies going on around her and her wonder of why she did not fall ill to the effects of the Morphogenic hypnosis visual. Once she had word that there are only men were around and that the facility is to be shielded from having female staff she took precautions into keeping her gender hidden at all costs. Desperate men can be just as dangerous as a killer. Her hands clasped around the clipboard just as she held a quick stare with Jeremy. She soon turned a hall and into a metal door room. She locked it behind her and turned the lights on. A huge sigh echoed into her breathing mask. She quickly slipped off the green hazmat suit and hung it up. Her doctor's coat white and long flowed nicely down to her ankles. She fixed herself and patted her back right pocket to check if her beanie is still there, sure enough it was. Her body flopped on her bed and she relaxed on her back feeling her cold auburn hair rest against her cheeks and shoulders. She leaned back up to fix her coat's sleeves and she reached into her nightstand to find unsnapped glow sticks. Her grey eyes flicked then she decided to take all six of them and stuff them into her black dress pants right pocket. Suddenly the door whooshed open and a suited man shadowed over the doorway. Her eyes bulged noticing his face and pausing in shock of being discovered.

"Susan Ledger...scientist, doctor, and psychologist. Wonderful to have you on our team. Surviving and unharmed by symptoms...yet you've been snooping on classified patient information and going against protocol." he lifts his right hand from behind him and holds up multiple manila folders and tosses them near her feet and photos of Eddie and others stare back at her.

"I'm afraid you'll be moved to a room just outside the Prison Block. You are not coming out of there unless I say so. I'm sorry to have thought you were a perfect hire but too good to be true. As for Waylon I'm surprised you two didn't work together on the subject of whistleblowing, but there is a different place where he is needed now. So sleep tight. Don't let the men bite." he backs away into the hallway with a light chuckle and a guard heavily stomps to her and sprays a chemical in front of her just as she heaves in a deep breath.