Laevateinn (2)

She woke up! She woke up!


The door opened. At the same time, the mysterious girl lifted the upper part of her body.

Maki's eyes met Egun's. He didn't know where to go.

"Good morning."

The girl greeted Maki with a smile.

Maki's eyes moved away from Egun to the mysterious girl.

Then Maki's facial expression froze. She moved her eyes to Egun again.

He avoided eye contact.

"Good morning..."

Maki didn't know what to do either. She had brought Egun back home the night before and had been healing him. She didn't leave until late at night, and she came back early in the morning. When had this girl come in?

"Do you have something to say, Egun?"

Egun raised both hands.

"I don't know what's going on either."

Maki squinted and looked at the crimson-haired girl.

"Do you have something to say?"

The girl blinked and looked at Egun.

"Master, who is this girl?"

"Master? Egun..."

The bomb had fallen into Egun's hands in a moment.

"Hey, don't fuck around. Who are you?"

Egun's cold voice frightened the girl. She made a pout, and tears formed in her beautiful crimson eyes.

"How hard you are, Master. Last night you called me and we were fighting together for a long time. Am I a one-way girl for you?"


"Wait, wait! What do you mean, I called you last night? I don't understand anything.

"Don't you remember, Master? We were fighting that bad wolf. Good thing we beat him in the end, I was afraid you'd die. But again, you're evil, Master, you left me lying in the street. What if someone had kidnapped me? But nothing happens, if you don't want me to go, I'm sure there is someone who appreciates me in the world."

"Wait, you are..."

"Hmph, I'm nobody. I'm leaving."

The girl got up and got ready to leave the room.

A naked girl. A naked body of a beautiful girl.

"Ummm, you know I can see a lot of things..." thought Egun.

Her little hip. Her long white legs. Her thighs. Her well-formed butt. And her pretty big tits... He could even see her nipples! Why aren't you hiding it? Why don't you show any sign of hiding it?

If Flavio were here, Egun could have gotten the exact measurements, and now he was regretting the fact that he doesn't have that ability.

But Egun knew one thing. He had seen a lot of naked bodies of women from magazines and videos, but this girl's body looked more beautiful than all that.

How should he say it? Art? A body with perfect shape and curves. It looks like one of those nude paintings or statues of the body that are displayed in the museum.

Perfect. The only thing Egun could say is that the beauty was even more incredible after she took off her clothes. But he felt bad to keep looking.

He could not become a total pervert. No, it wasn't that. Maki's penetrating, emotionless gaze was forcing him to look away.


Egun couldn't just let her go. Shit, she didn't even have clothes!

"What's the matter, Master? Can't you let my body escape? You can see all you want. I'm yours."

Do miraculous words like that exist in this world? Six months dating Maki and they had barely kissed, and now this girl who didn't know anything about anything was saying these things.

"It's not that. Look, this is an assumption that I'm making, and I may be going crazy, but... You're Laevateinn, right?"

The girl smiled. It seemed that Egun was right.


Maki intervened in the conversation. She was also interested in this girl who had slept with her boyfriend.

"Laevateinn is my spear. My teacher once told me about its origin and the fact that it could be a spiritual artifact. Who would have thought he was right, and he's a pretty beautiful female Yokai..."

"Yokai... I guess it's not bad at all. Wait, you said I'm beautiful? I knew it, Master has feelings for me."

"What are you talking about? It's obvious that Egun is in love with me. I'm his girlfriend for a reason."

"You say that, but look at Master's cock. I'm the one who's too hot, unlike you. I'm sure you haven't crossed the glass barrier yet."

Egun was seeing that the conversation was going the wrong way. What did it matter right now if his cock was steep or not?


The two girls who were about to enter a fight looked at Egun. He regretted intervening, how could one look hurt so much?

"Wasn't what happened yesterday a dream?"

Laevateinn smiled proudly.

"Of course not, Master and I fought hand in hand against that huge wolf. And this stupid girl who calls herself your girlfriend arrived only when the fight was over. Do you understand what I'm saying? She's useless, only I'm necessary for you, Master. Your Master said so, remember, Master and I together are invincible."

"What are you saying? If it weren't for me, Egun would already be dead!

"Don't be an idiot. I could have healed him much faster if you had brought me with him. But no, you had to leave me lying on the floor."

"Crimson color... I remember you! You were that damn burning lance! You almost burned my hand when I tried to take you!"

"Of course! The only person who can carry me is Master, no one else can touch me."

Egun listened attentively to the discussion between the two girls. They seemed to be arguing with each other, but they were giving critical information for Egun.

"So, how did you get here, Laevateinn? And why do you have a human form now?"

Once again, Laevateinn showed her proud smile.

"That's for our bond, Master! You called me with all your heart, so you unblocked my spiritual consciousness. I should have been able to take human form a week later, but your great magical power and your affinity with fire, as well as my own quality as a weapon, have accelerated that process by up to six hours."

"And why are you a girl?"

It was Maki's turn to ask. Did she seem... jealous? Was she jealous of a spear? Really, Maki?

"That's because of the Master's sexual preference, which has influenced my transformation."

Yes, it may seem silly, but it also makes sense.

"Did you sleep well, Master? You and me, hugging naked all night..."

Wait that means...!

"Don't worry. I'm still a virgin."

She seemed to read Egun's mind.

Oh, that's right. For some reason, Egun was relieved.

Wait, could an artifact be a virgin?

"Don't make that strange face. This world is surrounded by many mysterious things you cannot even imagine. From the moment I gained consciousness and acquired a human body, I ceased to be an object, now I am a woman in my own right, though of a different race."

Laevateinn wore an Egun T-shirt and some of the boy's underpants. She approached Egun and began to caress her cheek with her thin fingers.

"Hey, hey. Don't touch my boyfriend in front of me!"

"Tch, you hateful girl. Can't you see that Master and I are having a morning conversation?"

Egun sighed and looked at Maki without being able to do anything.

"Maki, can you get some clothes for Laevateinn? I think it's the most important thing right now."

Maki didn't take long to arrive with clothes for Laevateinn.

Because Laevateinn was higher than Maki, measuring about 1.75m, the clothes were tight and very uncomfortable. In the end, she picked up an Egun T-shirt and jeans, which she ripped to such an extent that they barely covered her private parts.

"Hold on. We'll buy you clothes."

That was Maki's answer when Laevateinn complained.

"Mooo... Master, Maki is bullying me!"


Egun didn't know how many times he'd sighed already this morning. It was the first time eating breakfast in this strange atmosphere, and I didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Can you both stop?"

It seemed that dealing with her coldly worked, as the two nodded and began to eat breakfast.

"This is delicious, Master!"

Laevateinn's face looked like a glowing face. Was she enjoying breakfast that much?

"Thank you for the compliment."

Laevateinn was sitting next to Egun, and in front of him was Maki. She had a strange expression on her face as she looked at Laevateinn and Egun.

"Eto... Egun?"


"Can you tell me why you have something like that?"

Egun gave Maki a penetrating look. The question his 'girlfriend' had asked him reminded him of the events of the previous night.

"Don't you think you should explain yourself first? Tell me what happened last night."

When asked by Egun, Maki nodded.

"Last night, you were attacked by a werewolf. Even though he was a new convert, he was still a werewolf on a full moon. I still find it hard to believe that you could defeat him without using magic, but seeing her, it all makes sense now."

Egun frowned.

"That's not what I wanted to know. I was the one who almost died, you know?"

"What I want to know is because Zelig attacked me. He told me that you were to blame for the attack. I want answers.

Maki sighed. Egun seemed to know more than she expected.

"I belong to an organization, and my superior gave me a mission: to approach you and break the seal that did not allow you to use magic power. I thought it was an easy job, but the seal was very powerful, even now I have only been able to tear down one layer of it. I needed an excuse to be able to spend time with you and take it down little by little. "

Before Maki's revelation, Egun said only two words.

"I understand."

Walk to school in the morning. Glances were fixed on Egun's back.

Beside him was one the Idols of the school, Ichikawa Maki.

"Why it's someone like him..."

"Why is someone as vulgar as he is next to Maki-chan..."

Boys and girls didn't even bother to hide their voices. Egun had become accustomed to this, so he didn't attach much importance to it.

They walked past the school door and separated at the entrance.

"I can't tell you much. I'll send someone later. You can follow him if you want to know more."

She said it as she smiled. It was Maki-chan's beautiful smile, but today it seemed a little stiff.

Was she going to send someone? What was she referring to?

Egun walked to the classroom. When he opened the door, everyone was looking at him.


Once again, Egun ignored the whispers and glances of his classmates.


Someone hit his head from behind. When he turned around, Zelig was standing there. Flavio was at his side as well.

"How are you, Egun?"

Egun gave Zelig an in-depth look. His gaze changed to Flavio, and he frowned.

"I want an explanation," said Egun.

"Of course, but it seems to me that this is no place, right?"

Egun nodded and walked to his seat. On the way, he thought of something and turned around.

"Have you guys ever seen real tits?"

With just one sentence, they both shivered with fear.