
It was late at night, and Egun was walking the streets of Tokyo. He had decided to go out for some air after the Laevateinn incident.

Egun was feeling quite complicated at this point. It had only been a few days since he had "fought" with Maki, for obvious reasons, and now another girl had given him a blow job, and he had not resisted at all.

But what was bothering him most was the fact that this girl was none other than the spear that had been accompanying him for years. Egun had seen a lot of things in his life, but this magic world was too fantastic, and he still found it hard to believe it was real.

He had no doubt that everything that was happening to him was real, for the existence of magic explained many things. For example, how could his sister be stronger than him if she did not use magic?

But even so, these changes had been too sudden. Thankfully he had received training to adapt to extreme situations, because this was one of those.

Egun walked the streets of Tokyo, with no specific place in mind.

Tokyo night is considered one of the most striking light shows in the world. The neon lights that flood the streets and the tall skyscrapers are some of the details with which Egun was always impressed by the beauty with which they colour the city.

The voices of discussions and conversations gradually disappeared, to the point that Egun only heard his breathing and his own footsteps. He was surprised when he realized this, as there were few places in Tokyo where this was happening.

He soon recognized the place where he had arrived. This was the Tokyo doya-gai, San'ya.

The word doya is a respectable Japanese street slang. It is the word yado (inn) backwards and means cheap accommodation. The equivalent would be "slum", and in both cases, we are talking about a poor neighbourhood inhabited almost exclusively by men.

The doya-gai represent a certain shelter as a last option for men in trouble. Perhaps they have lost their jobs, or their marriage has broken up, or they have lost their home because they cannot afford to pay rent, or they have left prison with nowhere to go. In that case, they can still go to the doya-gai, where they can rent a cheap room without having to provide any proof of identity, a deposit or money for the keys, or a guarantor, all those things they would have difficulty with. Before, they could even find a job, which was poorly paid, but which provided them with food, drink and the rent for the room.

Many Japanese people are hardly aware of the existence of doya-gai. And those who do know them consider them synonymous with the lowest in society.

Egun was no stranger to this kind of place. More than once, he had taken refuge in these places in order to carry out a mission, or some of his targets used these places to hide.

Egun entered the doya-gai. This neighbourhood used to be silent, which was just what he needed at this time. He needed to think about his future actions.

Apparently, he was Lucifer's only son, so he was his heir. Which means he's the current Lucifer.

"Lucifer is a demon, so I should be too. But I don't feel I'm any different than a human. Will my body change now that that so-called seal has been weakened?"

That was one of Egun's doubts at the time. It wasn't the only one, but it was one of the main ones.


Egun's heart beat strongly. He stopped his steps and placed a hand on his left breast.

"I... am I restless? I have a very bad feeling, I didn't even feel like this when I faced Zelig."

That's when Egun realized. He had been distracted while thinking he had let his guard down, something he had never done before.

Egun inspected the surroundings. It was true that the Dada-Gai were silent, but this place was too silent. What is more, all the streetlights were off.

This was too abnormal. Something strange had happened in this place.

As he thought about all this, Egun glimpsed the silhouette of a person walking through the doya-gai.

That person looked very familiar to Egun, so he decided to follow him. Egun's concealment skills were the best even in the world, so he was not afraid of being discovered by this person.

This person soon met someone else. Egun couldn't see much in the dark, but he could recognize that they were both men.

"Zeke, what are you doing here?" The first person asked.

That figure, that voice... Egun was already clear about who this person was.

"What a surprise, meeting a dog here." The second person responded with contempt. "But... Why should I answer a Malktuh?"

Malkuth... this word again. Luna had mentioned it when Egun told him about Misty. But what exactly was that?

"You know perfectly well why, or do you need me to remind you?" Zelig said to him in a deep tone.

Did Zelig have any other secrets? Of course he did. Flavio had mentioned that wizards must report to Golden Dawn before entering the country, so Zelig should have reported to him earlier.

But he is a werewolf and his plans were to secretly spy on me and eliminate me. Golden Dawn should not have accepted his application to enter the country, but they did.

Egun did not believe that this was due to Zelig's strength, as he was able to defeat him without using magic.

So, Zelig had to have someone supporting him from the shadows. Someone powerful enough to push back Golden Dawn, or at least have the same influence as them.

"You think because you have the support of one of the three Binahs you can do whatever you want? You're just a freshly converted dog, know your place. I'm a Tiphareth, I'm the boss here.

This Zeke was something. He didn't seem to have Zelig in his eyes at all. What's more, he radiated confidence.

But where did this confidence come from?

They both seemed to belong to the same organization. As for Malkuth, Tiphareth and all this talk, they seemed to be like the ranks of the organization. Similar to Philosophus, Adeptus Minor, etc...


"Lord Loup-Garou has appointed me as leader in this city. No matter what the ranks, I am the boss here."

"Hehehe, you're such a fool, Zelig. Turn a blind eye and pretend we weren't here. That's what's good for you if you don't want to lose your life."

Egun's friend Zelig was confronting Zeke. Egun was watching as he hid from them.

"Zeke... The orders from the top brass are absolute. You know I cannot ignore a direct order from Garou-Sama."

Zeke approached Zelig. They were now barely three feet apart.


Egun, who was watching everything that was happening, became restless again.

"What is this? I have this bad feeling again."

But he was already very close to them. Egun had no doubt that he would be discovered if he moved from the place where he was hiding.

Now that he was paying attention to his surroundings, there were no lights in the nearby houses, nor in the distant ones. This was very strange, very strange.

Yes, there's something definitely wrong. Egun did not feel the presence of any human. He hadn't noticed it before because all his attention was on Zelig.

Were they sleeping? Impossible. Otherwise he wouldn't feel this uneasiness.

"Agh, you bastard..."

Zeke grabbed Zelig's neck and lifted him up.

"I don't like to repeat things twice. Turn a blind eye and pretend we were never here. It's not that hard, is it?"

Zeke smiled. It was the smile of a sadist, a pervert.

"I... can't... do... that..."

Zelig responded with difficulty. Zeke was barely letting him breathe.

"Then I'll have to kill you."

A light shone from Zeke's hands. The light expanded and illuminated the entire area.


This light wasn't something Egun expected. It expanded so much that it left him exposed.

"Oraa, it seems we have an uninvited guest."