Can You Explain Why You Chose To Throw Dirt On Chairman Zheng?!*

"What is wrong with you?! Why did you have to refuse such an expensive gift?!"

Ni Yuexi stared at the angry woman, who looked peeved by what had just taken place at the office.

"I know that man!"

All eyes turned to the person that claimed to have known the secretary of Chairman Zheng.

"Really?! But his face doesn't look familiar!"

Xun Yanwu was one of the secretaries at the Chairman of Ziaomi's disposal. He was the type that never stood out, which made the workers in the marketing department to doubt the possibility of him being Zheng Shanyu's secretary.

"Miss Yuexi."

The manager of the marketing department, Gong Jiu, was a portly man of average height who was starting to show signs of balding at the center of his head.

"Yes, Manager Gong?"

Ni Yuexi faced the department's manager who was known throughout the office as a slimy person of low character. There was nothing genuine about his smile, it was almost as though a person was staring into the eye of a venomous viper!

At one time during her restroom break, she overhead some people discussing about his untoward advances at them when they were at work and off work. Their tale of woes inspired Ni Yuexi to one day expose her manager for what he was to everyone at Ziaomi.

"Can you explain why you chose to throw dirt on Chairman Zheng?!"

A look of incredulity flashed in the eyes of Ni Yuexi, "Is he high on something?! How is my rejection of something so inappropriate any of his business?! Is he trying to imply that I'm shaming Chairman Zheng?!"

Gong Jiu resumed reprimanding his subordinate in the presence of everyone that was present at the office.

"At your age, you should know better! What if Chairman Zheng gets back at us because of your thoughtlessness?! Where are your parents?! Did they even bring you up properly at all?! Why are you so dimwitted?! If Chairman Zheng gets angry and punishes us for what you did, just be ready to have your contract at Ziaomi terminated! If anyone loses their job because of you, I will not take it lying down!"

Ni Yuexi just heard every contract workers nightmare being thrown in her face, termination of her working contract! Which meant no hope of becoming a permanent staff at the company and being kicked out without severance pay. Abject poverty stared the young contract worker in the face.

"I'm sorry Manager Gong, it was not my wish to jeopardize the jobs of everyone at the office. I will go to Chairman Zheng's office and apologize for my rudeness."

When Gong Jiu made mention of the staff losing their job because of a contract worker, they all openly stared at Ni Yuexi with hostility. It was at this point that the contract worker knew that her time at the marketing section of Ziaomi was going to be very tough. As the thought crossed her mind, the secretary of Zheng Shanyu walked into the tense atmosphere that surrounded the office.