Miss Ni! Hurry Up! Chairman Zheng Is Waiting For You!*

"Miss Ni! Hurry up! Chairman Zheng is waiting for you!"

The two matched out of the office, heading straight for the elevator that would take them to the floor at which Chairman Zheng was, they both got into the elevator reserved strictly for the Chairman and members of the board of directors at Ziaomi.

Inside the elevator, Xun Yanwu wore a stiff look as he stared straight ahead.

The contract worker stood side by side with Secretary Xun, wearing an angry look on her face.

"Miss Ni, I'm Xun Yanwu. Just a little thing to keep in mind as you speak to Chairman Zheng. He is a bit crazy; you didn't hear this from me in case it reaches his ears! He always gets what he wants, I want you to keep that in mind when you meet him!"

Ni Yuexi digested the words of the man while both hands formed tight fists by her sides.

"Did I have to accept the gift?! Was that the right answer?! Why am I the bad guy here?! Just because I didn't want it! What is wrong with people not minding their business?!"

For a moment, she allowed her eyelids to fall, giving her a momentary respite from the irritation that had built up within.

"Thank you, Mr. Xun. I will treasure your well-intended advice."

Xun Yanwu turned and saw that the woman beside him had her eyes closed. There was pride in the way she held herself.

"I wonder if you will still have a shred of dignity left by the time Chairman Zheng is done using you!"

Xun Yanwu left his thought to remain as it was.

Soon after, they both got out of the elevator and increased their pace towards the office of Zheng Shanyu which was to the left.

A loud knock sounded at the door of Chairman Zheng, as a man and woman stood outside, waiting to be called in by the one sitting inside. Not long after came the response they were both waiting on.

"Come in!"