What Is The Best Place For Couples To Dine At?

After Xun Yanwu left, the Chairman of Ziaomi worked as though possessed. Tirelessly going through the numerous proposals on his desk that needed his attention.

"I have to get this done before Miss. Ni leaves her office! Of all the days that Zheng Zhi had to call, why did it have to be when I'm swarmed with so much work? If I refuse to release Secretary Xun then I would be termed the bad person!"

Zheng Shanyu grumbled under his breath as he read and signed the necessary folders. Throwing to the trash can the ones that didn't merit his approval.

"What is the best place for couples to dine at?"

With attention divided, Zheng Shanyu went through his cellphone to browse the restuarant that he and Ni Yuexi would eat at after work.