Miss Ni, Are You Not Happy To See Me?

Ni Yuexi could hardly remember how she was able to make it back to her office. Her mind was still reeling in shock after witnessing the effect of having a powerful position at the company.

It was not even up to 5 minutes after she sat at her office when a knock came from the door.

"Who could be knocking?"

Not sure who was at the door, Ni Yuexi called out to the person.

"Who is there?"

"Zheng Shanyu!"

Just as though it never happened, the morose state that she was in flew away in an instant.

"Chairman Zheng? But, why? What does he want from me?!"

A guarded look entered the eyes of Ni Yuexi as she rose from her seat by the desk to open the door for the man who just hired her as director to the department of ethics.

"Miss Ni, are you not happy to see me?"