C-Chairman Zheng? Is There Something On My Face?

Zheng Shanyu saw the awareness that creeped up in the eyes of the woman he badly wanted to claim, but he was aiming at taking it slow with her.

"I want to court her....I know it may sound old fashion, but I don't want to lose Miss Ni! She just looks so irresistible!"

Zheng Shanyu's mouth watered at the beautiful woman he had taken a liking to within a day of them meeting. It was a rollercoaster for him, this made it a challenge to rein his emotions in.

"C-Chairman Zheng? Is there something on my face?"

At that moment, the Chairman of Ziaomi placed her phone on the desk and moved to cover the distance between them.

"Miss Ni, Is it okay for me to kiss you?"

Zheng Shanyu spoke so softly, not that it would have made a difference because the woman who was the focus of his attention was staring at him in a daze of her own.

As though they silently communicated with each other, Zheng Shanyu lowered his head to kiss the lips of Ni Yuexi.