What Could Have Made Miss Ni Throw Up? Is It A Stomach Bug?

At a loss on what could have made his new found interest begin to throw up their kiss. The Chairman of Ziaomi thought he was the cause of it.

"Am I that terrible of a kisser? The way she responded to me was like she was enjoying it just like I did...or was she just feigning the act? None of the women I've kissed had ever reacted that way to me? Is that she doesn't like me at all?"

Unsure of what to make of Ni Yuexi's attitude towards their shared kiss. Zheng Shanyu decided to go the old fashioned way and ask her the reason for her strange reaction to him.

"Miss Ni? Is it because of the kiss? Was it awful? Tell me and I won't touch you again until I've found a way to improve on my skill."