Hello, I'm Dr. Lou. Can You Tell Me Miss Ni, What Could Be Causing You To Vomit?

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lou. Can you tell me Miss Ni, what could be causing you to vomit?"

The doctor in his spectacles gave the woman who knelt on the rugged floor a pointed look.

"Erm...Doctor...I'm on my period...I think it's because I drank two cups of orange juice with my breakfast this morning that's what is making me to feel more pain than usual. This is not the first time that it has happened, I tend to be in more pain when I eat anything sweet when it's around the time my period starts!"

As Ni Yuexi spoke, a blush spread from her cheeks, staining both tips of her ears. Deeply embarrassed, she couldn't look the doctor in the eye as he spoke.