Chairman Zheng! Miss Ni Is Receiving Some Shots, Please Step Outside! You Are Not Being Helpful By Barging In!

By the time the doctor gave her the first shot in one of her arms, Ni Yuexi was screaming her head off. This alerted the Chairman of Ziaomi who had been waiting outside the door of the office.

"What are you doing to her, Dr. Lou!!!!"

Zheng Shanyu bursted into the room with a voice that roared in anger at the innocent doctor who was only carrying out his duty as a medical provider to a sick patient.

Tears ran down the face of Ni Yuexi, the new director was a pitiful sight to behold. 

"Chairman Zheng! Miss Ni is receiving some shots, please step outside! You are not being helpful by barging in!"

Ignoring the voice of the doctor, Zheng Shanyu strode to where Ni Yuexi sat and held her face against him. His coat absorbed the moisture in her eyes which continued to fall freely without an end in sight.

"I'm holding her! Just hurry and give her the shot! So that I can take her home!"