Ha! You Refuse To Say A Word Even When I'm This Close To You?

Xun Yanwu became a frozen statue, his face remained an impassive mask as he watched every single movement from Zheng Zhi.

"Ha! You refuse to say a word even when I'm this close to you?"


A soft laugh escaped out of the lips of the tall slender man who held a slightly taller Xun Yanwu in one hand. Hearing Zheng Zhi's laugher sent an electric sensation straight to the heart of Xun Yanwu.

Gone was the wig that earlier covered the head of Zheng Zhi, in place was a manly dark lustrous haircut.

Xun Yanwu's eyes latched onto the dark pink lips of Zheng Zhi, it was only after the other question him did he avert his eyes to stare past the shoulders of Zheng Zhi.

"Since you won't talk, you leave me no other choice but to do this....."