I Like Him! I Really Like This Man!

Feeling?! Hahaaa! People like you had feelings?! How ridiculous!"

Xun Yanwu refused to look at the pained expression on the face of Zheng Zhi, instead he was turned around. Backing the other man as he spat out hateful words at his boss's brother.

"Yanwu...I..I'm a human being just like you, don't I have the right to find love like everybody? Why should my been different make you look down on me?"

In a voice that fought back tears, Zheng Zhi lay his vulnerable heart to the man that he had fallen for during one of his unannounced visits to his brother's office. 

He could remember that day almost as if it were yesterday. Xun Yanwu stood behind the chair of Zheng Shanyu as they both looked at the computer. Both men looked up when Zheng Zhi walked in dressed as Zheng Veronica in maroon satin blouse with puffy long sleeves dress and gold accessories.