I Feel So Crappy

"Zi how about I meet this young man that you are interested in? Let's both go together without calling ahead."

Wang Zuying spoke in a calm voice to her son; her heart broke all over again at the emotional conflict that the older of her two sons was facing. Despite the things she had to go through in the past for him, the mother of Zheng Zhi knew that her battle was far from over.

"Mom, what difference would it even make?! Yanwu ran away from me in disgust! He hates me! Going to see Shanshan would not change his perception of me!"

Zheng Zhi shouted his frustration at his mother who was almost an hour away from him. The phone call was a stark reminder of the distance between them.

"Would you like me to send the driver over so that you can stay in my place tonight then we can both go and see your brother at the office?"