Moved In

Woohyun:"Good Job babe!"

yes nam woohyun is my only best childhood friend.He know everything about me.He knows about my arranged marriage and he even know from the day i reach my puberty (*lol).He even know that taehyung is f***.He has been there for me every time i have problem i will share to him.

Me: "Bwo?"

Wn:"For the first time i saw defend yourself...Always you're the one who gave up on fighting.This is my gurlll!"

Me:"yaa, whatever"

Wn:"are trying to cold-hearted around me" then i walk away leaving him dumbfounded there.The he chase me and hugged my arm

Me:"let's go eat something...i'm so hungry" i make an aegyo face

Wn:"araseo araseo,kaja"

While we were eating my mom call so excused myself to pick up the call

me:"i'm sorry i gotta pick up this call"i signaled him my mom call

wn:"it's must be about your future husband"

i stared at him and walked away

me:"yeahh,what is it mom?"

mom:"today you will go to your new house that we have prepared for your guys"

me:*sigh "fine but i'll b back and take my stuff first!" i said it emotionless

mom:"ohh yeah i forgot about it, we have moved all of your stuff so after you just go back with taehyung because after this your driver wont be yours anymore"

me:"what,at least let him be my driver for once,mom!!"

mom:"i.m sorry dear,this is your dad order"

me:"arghh fine"

then i when back to my class because i didn't found woohyun anywhere so i thought he went back to his class

kring kring (bell ring)

i was walking at the school alley to reach the bus stop nearer the school but unfortunately there is a black ferrari honk at me,,it turns out to be jerk Tae and his bitchy girlfriend.

tae:"where are you going after this?"

me:"of course going back to my house you idiot!"

tae:"did you forget that our parents ask us to go to our new house, you bitch"

bora:"you slut don't you dare to do anything to my boyfriend!" she pointed at me

me:"are you referring that to yourself"then taehyung immediately come out from his car and come near to me

tae:"how dare you said that to my girlfriend"he slapped me,pull my hair and punch my face

after they get lost from my sight i quickly stand up and clean the dirt on my cloths.While waiting for the bus didn't i know my face was wet and i realize i was crying."why am i crying for this small thing"i sad then quickly i wiped my tears and get on the bus and my phone notifications popup in my screen

*message from Alien Jerk

Clean up my rooms neatly because Bora is coming over

We will be back before midnight so don't you dare complain to my or your parents


then after i enter the house it was so nice and big

This is the house that our parents bought for us it was damn pretty than my old house.Then i wlak around to see the house

The living room

My Bedroom

Swimming pool

Taehyung's Bedroom


After i take a look in the house, is started to clean Taehyung rooms but there is no much to clean except the laundry.His basket full of clothes, like a months didn't do laundry.Even though my parents are so rich but they teach me to be discipline because we have no maids,My Family can't be predictable because My father can do the house work better even my parents go for working,My father cooking is better than mom but mom bibimbap is the best.

I was drying the clothes until i realize i has stopped because i found a bra,which is not mine...What am i thinking,uhh just let them be because i doesn't love himAfter finish doing the house work i sat on the couch while watching the telivision but after a minutes i was in my dreamland.

Taehyung POV

I and Bora went in the house and found out Yerin was sleeping peacefully on the couch then i can saw bora was angry so i called her



me:"let's go to my room"i touch her shoulder

bora:"baby what are going to do with that slut"

me:"she just moved in here temporarily for being my maid then i'm going to divorce her "then she smile and hug me happily and kiss my cheek