Heart Broken

She ran but i was fast enough to catch and it was Bora but who is that guy?.I tried to calm myself because i trust her.I know she wont do something stupid.Suddenly she laugh and the guy beside him laugh along too,i was standing there like a stupid person without knowing what is going on.is this some kind of prank?."finally you know this taehyung"bora said while laughing."KNOW WHAT? CAN YOU FINISH WHAT YOU SAYING?!!"i said angryly then she sttoped laughing and become so startled,"YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME,I JUST USED YOU BUT YOU'RE SO DUMB ENOUGH TO THINK AND IT MAKES MY WORK MORE EASY"Bora shout and it breaks my hearts into million pieces

"So everything was lie,everything you said,everything you gave it was lied.Why me,there is a lot of guy you can cheated WHY ME YOU BITC*"I Shouted at her back.

Bora:"You want to know why,it's because your brother Kim Minyoung cheat on my sister that's why i wanted to take revenge on you"

Bora boyfriend:"babe let's go,we have meeting,remember"

Bora:"ohh yes,we are just wasting time here"

They just go after that.I feel so heartbroken now.i walk back home while my tears dripping on my cheek.I let all my tears stream down my face.I open the door to see Yerin is sweeping the floor tiredly but she turn around to see me crying.She ran to me but i just went inside my room and licked the door.

Yerin:"hey,what's wrong with you...open the door!"

Yerin POV

Taehyung came home but he was crying.Eventhough he can be a jerk but sometimes he is so good.I went to check on him but he locked himself in the room.

I called him but there is no sign of him.I texted him but there is no reply.


Me:hey, what happen to you?

Me:open the door,let's talk

Me: At least come and eat your lunch,you gonna starve yourself.

Me:In this state you will faint

~After 5 hours (7 p.m.) He did'nt came out from the room since morning.I'm getting more worried.

Without thinking more i just try to break the door with hammer.After 20 minutes of trying the door has open.I found he was sleeping.I went near him to wake him up.

Me:taehyung ahh please wake up

I touched his hand was damn hot.Then i check on his temperature, he has high fever. I went to take warm towel to cool down his temperature.I put the towel on his forehead.

I went to the kitchen to mak some porridge for him.After i make i went to the room amd shake his hand to wake up and eat.

Me:"taehyung wake up and eat a bit so that you can take medicine"but he still sleeping,i know he is not sleeping,he just crying inside but i don't know why."i left the porridge on the table,if you are ready enough to eat you eat the porridge and don't forget to eat your medicine too".

I was about to get up he suddenly hug me from behind

I was so shocked but i let him be because i know he need someone to comfort him."can we stay like this for a minute without asking why"taehyung said with husky voice."Just cry"i said.


Me:"i know you was hiding something just cry,let everything out"

Then he sobbed on my shoulder.I can feel my shoulder was wet but i don't mind.I just want him to feel better.

After 15 mins of crying he stopped and said"thank you". I felt different when he said that.He sounded different.

To Be Continued...

Author Note

🎊🎉🎊🎉Happy Jimin Day🎂🎂🎂