
Yerin POV

After that incident we ignored each other for 2 day.We don't know why but we feel shy towards each other.Since our graduation just 2 more days so we have been busy to prepare for it.For few weeks he treat me nicely i don't know why but i think after he break up there is something problem with is brain because it doesn't functioning well.It's just that i doesn't use to his new attitude.

I was trying to take some files above my closet but it's hard for me to reach so i take the stool near to his room, i climb on the stool to get the files until someone startled me.

Tae:"Hey stop!"


Tae:"the chair screw is loose,thats why i put outside to throw it.

Me:"Why you didn't tell me earlier!"

Tae:"you never ask me"

Me:"Arggh"i almost fall but he catch me faster than i thought

Tae:"you should be careful next time"

Me:"ouh o o okay"i stuttering because he was so close to me and our lips is like 2 inch away but then suddenly the files fall down on taehyung heads it makes him move in front and suddenly kiss me in my lips.I was so shocked and don't know what to react but then i suddenly close my eyes and react to his kiss back.

Taehyung POV

I  was so shock when the files falls down and i kiss her.I want to stop the kiss until there but then my toungue want to move through her.At first she didn't respond to it but then she respond back.I was smiling through the kiss.'Thank you files,I love you so much"i thought but then why i am so happy to kiss her now?.

Yerin POV

I feel awkward after the kiss neither him.I just ignored him and do my work without even say anything after what happen even him just stood there as nothing happen.

-After 2 days-

Me,Sungyeol,Woohyun and Hani waiting for Eun Jae due to her 24/7 make up routine.After she came we run happily to the school hall.We met BTS then Eun Jae ran to Jungkook and jungkook bought flowers for Eun Jae waiting with his cool posture.Jungkook hug Eun Jae since all of 7s know their relationship already .

After that we take a sit follow our names and class.Since i'm the same class with Taehyung so i sat next to him.He do look handsome even in school uniform.

Me:"Look like today is the last day of our school life,I hope we all could always stay as friend."I hug everyone of them except for Taehyung since i do feel uncomfortable around him.

They called each of us to take the graduation card.After we finished with the graduation we planned to eat at a luxurious hotel since it's on suga so we eat like pig.

suga:"i just need some sleep,so i gotta sleep for a while later the food arrive you guys wake me up!"he said coldly.

Jin:"yayaya who want to wake you up?"suga just glare at him

Jungkook:"Jagi,what do you want to eat?"he ask eun jae

EJ;"yaa don't call me that,i just want some jjangmyeon"her faced turns to red

Then we call the waiter and it turns up that the waiter was my best friend



Both:"Arghhh" we hug each other tightly since we didn't meet for 2 years,i miss him so much

They cough to get our attention but i don't care at all

Tae:"Yaa"he shouted all of sudden all of us turn our view to him even suga has wake up from sleep

To Be Continued...

- Author Note -

You guys can ask me anything and i will answer it honestly,It's open to everyone. Q&A session😂☺️