After few day

I get my part time job in a Convenience Store near to this building called JYP Entertainment as i know this Entertainment is the largest company in south Korea and it's also very famous.I wish i could meet GOT7 or Day 6.To be honest i do like K-pop but then i fan girls for all of the idol,i don't really have one specifically idol because for me I think all of the idol deserve to get fans,attention,admire,love and support.

There's is not a lot of customer so i just mop the floor and arrange the items in correct order.Then i arranged the big boxes of new stock inside the store room.

*After 2 hours

It's my lunch time so i just eat at the store because i'm so lazy to walk anywhere to get my food.I bought 2 triangular kimbap and 1 banana milk.There is some time left so i called Hani since i feel so bored.We was talking all the girls thingys then she ask me one weird question which i don't know why

Hn:"Yerin ahh,can i ask you one question but answer me honestly.

Me:"yeahh okay, what is it?

Hn:"Have you ever kissed someone before?"

Me:"yaah why must you ask this?"

Hn:"Just answer me honestly,can you?"

Me:"Fine,yaa i have"

Hn:"how does it feel like?"

Me:"yaah are you crazy,it feel...feel...feel

Hn;"Feel what?"

Me:"Feel like have butterflies on my stomach and now you answer me why you keep on asking me this weird question"

Hn:"Actually that day when we went to the Hotel to eat after graduation?"

Me:"yeahh, why?"

Hn:"The time you went to the washroom we was waiting for you for so long but you did'nt come so i went to check on you.I saw you was not inside the washroom so i wanted to come out but i bump on suga and accidently kiss him"

Me:"Yahhh jinjja,wahh congrats"


Me:"you have found your prince charming"

Hn:"No way,i'm not even close with him"

Me:"probably soon"


ME:"HAHAHA,areso areso.I wont tell anybody."

After finish my break time i continue to work but there is a group of boy came in.They were wearing all in black and white and their face is covered with mask.I was hoping it was GOT7 or Day6 but then they are only 7 member and 5 member,they have 9 member.Who are this good looking guys.

One of the guy was laughing around with the other but the other one is bullying him.The other one is making mosquitoes sound and hit the person with blonde hair.The other one try to find bread with chicken flavour while the other one next to him is winking at the other guy with big and cute eyes the one next to him is hugging him because annoyed with the other one doing aegyo.They all looks so cute.

Then they put all of their snacks and drinks.I scanned the items and told them the price.The person with blonde hair pay the item then the guys that wink and hug the person with big and cute eyes shocked looking at me and i feel like i know them somehow.Then both of them open their mask while the blonde guy slapped their arm.It turns out Hyunjin and Lee Know


Lk:"Yaerin ahh" they said spontaneously

Me:"Wahh you guys look totally different than i saw you guys few days ago"

Blonde hair:"You guys know her?"

Hj&Lk:"Yaa she is our friend"

Blonde hair:"Then it's okay but put back your mask or the paparazzi will saw you guys"They put their mask quickly

Hj:"Why are you working here?"

Lk:"Yaa you're super rich but working here,it's so unbelievable "

Me:"It does'nt meant that i don't have to works and my parents are the one who rich not me plus i don't like to stay at home it's so boring to handle 'him' he so annoying"

Hj:"aigoo,our yerinnie has become a big girl now"

Lk:"you are getting more prettier now"

Me:"aigoo,you guys don't have to praised me so much instead explain who are these handsome guys"

Hj:"But i'm the handsome one always"

Lk:"I'm the sexiest"

Me:"Aiyaa,explain first!"

Hj:"okok chill,actually we are (stray kids)*he whisper* we will be debuting soon around next month we will debut"

Me:"ouhh, then why are you two working at the hotel"

Hj:"Actually that day we are not working but (Chang Bin's) *whisper* parent need some help at the Hotel so we went there to help because his parent told us that the daughter and son of the biggest company in south korea is coming so they want us to impress with our good looking face"he winked

Me:"This must be Taehyung who told this to your hotel management ,he is just a useless as always"

Mosquitoes guy:"Who is Taehyung?"

To Be Continued...