The Truth (Chapter 6)

Author Note

-Guys I just realized this is my Chapter 6,it did'nt published so i'm extremely sorry so please read this chapter before you read Chapter 7 Confess.Once again i'm so sorry

Ej:"Kaja,The class will start soon"

me:"oh de"


Mr Tan enter the class and giving the lecture on "Reproduction" the boys was excited while girl gets irritated but some of the bitchy girl was doing the weirdos emotions and voice then i excused myself to the toilet due to the irritation feeling then i saw woohyun but he was talking to Sungyeol so i didn't disturb them so i walked to back to the class.

Ej:"He gave us a lot of homework duh"

me:"looks like this weekend going to burn with the work"

Ej:"yeahh,i know right"

me:"arghh"i run my fingers through my hair

I went to the cafe to continue reading my book then Ahn Hee-yeon(Hani) came sit beside me but i didn't look at her because she is the one sit beside

Hn:"yoww,let's go watch movie this weekend"

me:"i can't unnie, i have a lot of homework"

Hn:"argghh,yo---"Eun Jae run to where we sit while she panting

me:"yahh,calm yourself first"

ej:"Yerin ahh,i got an idea!! why don't we finish the homework together at your house"

ohh shit they don't know that i'm living with taehyung so how can i invite them my..oh no our house.Its going to be a great trouble.Oh god please help me,yeahh i got an idea

me:"ohh sorry guys,i'm leaving with my aunt because my parents is outstation ""

they was looking at me ubelievably because they know that i used to stay at home alone.They was waiting for me to tell them why i'm lying because they usually know that i'm not a person who like to lie for nothing.

Hn:"Okay then let's do it other time"her face was a bit dissapointed but i have no choice but to tell lie

Ej:"If you have any problem you can just shred with us,you know right we will always be there for you"

me:"No i don't have problem so no need to worry about me "

both:"hmm okay"


Tae:"yahh Choi bitc* Yerin,who the fuck going to wash my cloths"


Suddenly i heard someone open the door but i lazy to wake up from my bed because i'm heaving cold.

Tae:" dare you sleep on this time?"he pushed me then i fall down from the bed but 8 cant wake up because my body is too weak since i didn't eat from come to school"

Me:"Can you give me one day leave today?"

Tae:"leave your head!!Now you wake up and go throw the rubbish,Tidy up my bed,wash my cloths and Cook for me dinner"He command

Me:"but----"he left from my room

The i quickly pulled my hair into a bun and went to the kitchen to take the rubbish and throw it outside but when i walking out Bora cam to me and pushed me down

Br:"You are just a maid in this house so don't you dare to flirt with my man" i just nodded because i don't have energy to fight back

I picked up the rubbish and finish up other work that he gave to me.After i finished up everything i out a sticky note on his door 'The food is on the table'


My phone was non stop ringing so i i take a look who texting me and it was the group chat of my friend which is woohyun,Eun Jae,Hani and Sungyoel


ej:"Whatchu guys doin'?"

wn:"Bathing :)"


hn:"Still breathing and living"

ej:"The heck guys...this is so bored let's go to the cafe,I'm hungry"

hn:"I'm on diet"

sg:"I'm tired"


ej:"i want everyone is at the cafe in 30 minutes if not the next day you came to school i won't talk to you even you Yerin

me:"wait i can't go"

ej:"your choice wether to be my friend or no 😶😒

~Everyone offline

After 30 mins

Urggh i dont care wether he going to slap or what my friends is more important the idiot'sss. Eventhough my face is a bit swollen but i don't care about it and maybe this is the time for me to tell them the truth


Sg;"I'm here,where u?


I saw sungyeol so i go to that place and take sit

Sg:"Yoww"he say energeticly

Me:"Yow" i'm tired

Sg:"why you look so pale, did you eat?"

Everyone:"heyy guyss" i didn't respond to sungyeol question while i just greet them

After everyone take a sit they started to talk while i kept silent.Then few minutes later i call them for attention

Me:"Guys,I have something to tell you!!" everyone was scared because i'm so fuckin' serious.

Hn:"why so serious?"

Urghh my stomach and head killing me but i'm going to continue this, No this pain should get away from me now...shit i feel dizzy

Me:"I'm so sorry for telling this late but I'm going to get married after graduate and now i'm staying with my fiancé"

Everyone ex. Woohyun:"WHAT,OMGGGG"


To Be Continued...