Staying With Her

Yoon Gi's POV

I tried my best to make sure that Lilac is ok. I just felt worried that she's living alone and she would think nonsense. 

From: Nam Joon

Hyung I think it's better if you stay with Lilac tonight. 

To: Nam Joon

I was thinking about the same thing but not sure if she's comfortable with it. 

From: Nam Joon

Try asking her later. 

"Who are you texting?" Lilac said from behind me. 

The rest of the members are still eating. I turn towards her wanting to ask if I could stay tonight but I don't know the right way to say it. 

"Oh no one." I said. 

"Ok." Lilac said and sat down beside me. 

"Urmm Lilac there's something I want to ask you." I said. 

"What is it?" Lilac asked. 

"Well you see I'm kinda worried of you staying alone so would it be okay if I stay and accompany you for tonight only?" I said while looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Well. I'm actually ok now." Lilac said. 

I was quite disappointed when she said that. I was hoping that I could spend more time with her. 

"But I'm actually fine if you want to stay here tonight." Lilac said. 

I almost couldn't contain my happiness.

"Ok." I said. 

Seok Jin's POV

As we were having dinner, I received a call from Hanuel.

"Hello Hanuel." I said. 

"Hello oppa. There's a lot of police here….. and they said….they said…. that they've arrested my sister." Hanuel said stuttering.

"Calm down Hanuel. Breathe." I said. 

"But it's just scary. My dad is not at home." Hanuel said.

"I'll go over now. Wait for me in the house." I said. 

I hung up the phone and ran to the kitchen to tell the boys

"Guys I need to leave first. Hanuel needs me." I said.

"Ok hyung. Be careful." Nam Joon said.

I left in a rush and managed to get a taxi in a short time. Since I'm wearing my face mask and cap, I don't need to worry about people recognizing me. I paid the exact amount to the driver and rush towards Hanuel's house. I could still see that the police car hadn't left yet. 

"I need some people over here." I said. 

"Yes boss." The other person replied. 

I walk towards the police to see a silhouette running towards me. I almost avoided it when I realized that it was Hanuel. 

"Oppa." Hanuel said and starts sobbing.

I could feel her hand trembling as she hugged me. 

"Hanuel-ah, I'm here now." I said. 

"Hmm." Hanuel said and continue hugging me.

"Officer what is going on here?" I asked. 

"Well her sister is involved in drugging her friend and harming her. So we want searching the house for any other evidence. Here is the search warrant. We don't dare to do so because we are scared of scaring this little girl. Sir can we get your permission to search the house." The officer explained. 

"Sure go ahead. Her sister's room is on the second floor the first room." I said.

"Thank you for the coorperation sir." The officer said. 

After the police officer went in, I brought Hanuel to a nearby bench for her to calm down. I let her to continue crying. I pat her back to reassure her that she is safe. When she is done crying, she looked up to me with tears in her eyes. Her eyes are red as well as her nose. I couldn't help but want to pinch her face because she's looking so cute right now.