Chapter 10

A/N. Wow! I have 200 reads! I honestly didn't even begin to believe that this book would be that good haha


(Skylar's POV)

I woke up and felt really sick like I was gonna throw up. I pushed Colten off of me as quickly and carefully as I could and ran off to the bathroom, throwing up. I heard footsteps coming behind me and I groaned.

"You ok babe?" Colten said. I noticed that my little... scene made his slip out of little space. I looked back at him and nodded.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just feel sick that's all..." I said and he looked at me worriedly.

"Skylar... You do realize that you've been having morning sickness..." He said in almost a whisper. I turned my head towards him so fast that I thought I was gonna break my neck.

"You don't think I'm...." I started to say but I got sick again and threw up.

"Pregnant." Colten finished my sentence and I nodded.

"I mean my period is late by like a week," I said and got up and brushed my teeth to get out the nasty taste.

"I'll... I'll go get you a pregnancy test.." Colten said and I nodded. He walked out and went off to the store. He's gonna leave me if I'm pregnant, I just know it. I teared up and walked to the pool room and got undressed. I slowly walked into the pool and sat on the bottom steps and pulled my legs to my chest. After about 2 minutes of sitting there, I started crying.

"I guess I should start packing..." I said to myself and got up and dried off still crying. I got a suitcase and started packing all my things. I heard Colten walk into the door and upstairs, he must have heard me crying by the time he was up the stairs because I heard him rush over to me and hold me.

"Baby, what are you doing? Where are you going? Are you leaving me?" He asked me these questions so fastly and I could tell by his voice that he was really sad. I looked at him.

"You're gonna leave if I'm pregnant, I know it. Everyone leaves me some time!" I shouted and cried harder. He pulled me into his lap and rocked me back and forth.

"I will never ever leave you. Pregnant or not." He said lovingly and I nodded and gradually stopped crying. I took a deep breath and grabbed the pregnancy test out of his hands.

"Wish me luck..." I said and he nodded, giving me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled slightly and got up and went to the bathroom and did what I had to do.

3 minutes... It was the longest 3 minutes of my life. After 3 minutes I checked the stick


I nearly fainted by the excitement within me held me from doing that.

"I'm pregnant!" I screamed excitingly. Colten opened the door and picked me up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He said with an 'I can't believe it' type of voice and I nodded.

"Yes you are, and you will be a great dad," I said and kissed his cheek. He blushed and nodded.

"I hope it is a girl. I mean if it's a boy, I'll love him regardless... I just really really hope that it's a girl." Colten said and I agreed with him. I already had an idea of what to name the baby if it is a girl...

Her name would be Rayne


Sorry for these short chapters, it's hard writing long chapters but this one is kind of a fill in chapter so you have an idea of things. What do you want the baby to be? Boy or girl?