Red Light District

What a bustling evening in the heart of such well-known country; people meeting up and catching up, scrumptious street food, bottles of beer clinking and its contents warming the human system along with hearty conversations, the cold city breeze lingering onto everyone's skins. The climate is getting colder, but the warmth and happiness are more contagious, and you are welcome to join such celebration. The outfits are getting thicker and more layered, it's the month of October, afterall.

But there's this district that contradicts the climate when it comes to clothing.

The night is getting dark, a lot of history should be made; whether it's for the best, or for the worst.

I'd be lying if this doesn't satisfy a human male's lust, much to disgust their opposite sex. And sadly, they should always be cautious because of these beasts.

Shots of Hennesy, bills of cash flying around from the cash cannon, white fine snow being sectioned by credit cards, gorgeous ladies of different nationalities You'd sure be asking, "Isn't this illegal?"

Yes it is illegal, but the more material possessions you have, the more you can smuggle your way in and smuggle these activities out of the law's naked eye. Even the media could only film a glimpse of these areas, and not everyone is brave enough to cover such stories.

They hide their sins so well, they show up the next morning's meeting in their freshest business formal look.

Being one of the most elite, they were offered to stay in a most elegant and spacious glass room. There are chandeliers adorned in gold and diamonds, a black lounge made from the finest leather and purest gold foundation, floor made of imported marbles from Italy, and a sound-proof gold-colored wall.

Inside a man's head, is a clock ticking. He feels like time is chasing him and he has to distract himself. He's utmost willing to have his all-black Armani suit to be covered in rare-type of spill, but he couldn't choose which one should he ruin and leave scars on.

Thoughts are getting fogged, sights are getting dimmed.

Tick tock.

"Sir, don't you have examinations?" his right-hand man asked quizically. Being the right-hand, of course he memorized his schedule, even those out-of-the-organization events.

It somewhat cleared up the leader's hazed sight.

"I'm sure I already aced all of those. Nothing to worry about." his boss answered whilst trying to look at the so-called "candidates" at the glass room as clearly as he could.

There are 5 of them in total in the said room, with the boss seated in the middle and his right-hand man seated on his right. The rest are his loyal bodyguards, wearing their usual black suit and tie (with a white shirt) uniform. On the other side of the glass are twenty women from various countries, all wearing a little black dress; halter sweetheart and above-the-knee in length, as if the said dress were their uniforms.

Thoughts are getting fogged again, sights are getting dimmed again.

Tick. Tock.

A woman in red light and black silhouette, a woman from his deepest desires; she's the only one he could see right now.

When he felt his eyes are about to squint, he swiftly shut his eyes and opened it again.

"Fuck..." he groaned as he laid himself onto the couch and crossed his arms. "I came to this property of ours to forget her, but why can't I forget her?!" he murmured annoyingly as he tries not to get distracted by thoughts of her.

The right-hand man and the guards trembled. Their boss promised them for a 'good time', but that would be impossible to happen right now. Knowing him, he could have an uncontrollable temper. He [the right-hand man] ordered the ladies to get out, using a waving hand gesture, in which they followed.

At least his assistant still has an ounce of mercy left in his system.

The head had a sudden dark thoughts tangling into his mind. What if... he force her onto his deepest pleasure before he eradicate her glamorous life, or her entire existence? After all, he wanted to believe how true a famous Filipino saying.

He knew he would never have her, and could never have her.

He could do that, and he would do that. Soon...


Beyond the Spectrum | Wave 20: Red Light District • © mxylms