Smooth and Budding

|| Maryl

Just a few more of these, and some hot press. And I'm done.

How it is satisfying to seal with a vacuum seal, and now this creation of mine is ready for storage. I removed my laboratory personal protective equipment and disposed it properly. I also changed my gloves and hanged my laboratory coat by the door.

I walked out of the biochemistry laboratory, with a tightly-sealed boba tea on my glove-protected hand. The reason why I made sure to change gloves before holding this is for protection, and because I've been handling different types of microbes in the lab before this, and some of those are evolved to new strain. I'm just being careful not to bring some outside the biochem lab. Also, gladly I saw a white box, which I presume face masks, along with other PPEs earlier; at least we got some supplies.

This infected boba tea is one of the prototypes I proposed in my report, and it has to be tightly sealed for it to be stored in the fridge undetected. I made the seal red and brandless, baka mapagkamalan pang Gong Cha ni Reign and I don't want that to happen for I haven't made the antidote yet. I made this tea myself for I had to put a protozoan parasite inside myself. I had to get myself prepared for a lawsuit kung mandamay pa ako ng boba tea companies, and I don't want to happen. I removed one of my glove and opened the fridge to make sure there are no beverages inside. It seems that Reign forgot the grocery shopping last week and the fridge is empty. I took the chance to store my homemade boba tea inside.

Which reminds me of Adriano's test monkey that he mentioned around 2 weeks ago.

I removed the other glove, throw those in the biohazard trash bin, and washed my hands for more than 20 seconds. Once finished, I proceeded to look for him around the lab.


I peeked inside the physical lab for I was expecting him to be there, but he isn't. I was about to ask him something about the robot he made. I also checked the command center, the lounge, took a peek at the clean room, but he was nowhere to be found.

I know he's here in the lab, since he greeted me at the lounge earlier. So I stopped at the hallway and checked the OP:SEIRA app since it could detect the members' whereabouts based on GPS.


- Austin Xil Salvatierra | ● Offline, at the CHUMSS - Manuel L. Quezon Building Classroom

- Lawreign Ellison Midford | ● Offline, at the CITHM Kitchen Laboratory 14

- Donte Adriano Marco Martinenghi | ● Offline, at the OP:SEIRA Headquarters, Alexandra University Research Centre

- Maryl Juneaux Liu | ○ Online, at the OP:SEIRA Headquarters, Alexandra University Research Centre

- Giovanni Montecarlo Fulgenzio | ● Offline, at the Alexandra University Main Cafeteria


So if the app says he's here... I guess he's at one of these rooms... But I already checked the other rooms...

I took some time to recollect my thoughts and think.

Oh right, I haven't checked the bedroom yet!

I opened the door and entered. I'm quite astonished how beautiful and neat it is here! I haven't been here since the first day for I'm always in either lounge, physical lab, or biochem lab. There are 4 beds, with 2 beds on top and facing each other, and is connected by one staircase. The walls are painted white, and the theme used is modern minimalistic. There is also a balcony beneath the glass door, and one large cabinet to store clothes for 4 people. The room is well-lit as well, with just enough sunlight entering the area to save electricity.

I amusingly observed and wandered my eyes around the room, and my feet decided to take a few steps up the stairs to check the upper beds. I was about to take a few more and check the compartments of one of the upper beds when...

"Carlo and I planned the design and decorated this place ourselves. We also made the beds since we cannot trust anyone to get in here and do the fixtures. Do you like it?"

The husky baritone voice of someone I knew startled me. It felt like tracing onto my spine upwards. I slowly turned to my back, and I saw Adriano in his usual AXU uniform, giving me a smile from ear to ear. I've seen his smile countless times, but his smile today is somewhat strangely unusual, maybe because it made my heart race?

"O-oh. I was.. I was j-just looking for you! Really, haha." I stuttered and left out an awkward teeth clench.

"You seem flustered, are you alright?" he quizzically asked, which I wasn't sure what to respond.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine!" I responded in a stuttering voice again.

I carefully went down the stairs, being thankful that I'm wearing my medical technology uniform today for it comes with white pants. My mind went blank and stared onto his face amusingly.

He's looking more handsome than usual... or is it just me?

But he is indeed handsome, nothing to deny on that.

I may be just overthinking, and my mind is just trying to distract itself. I'll be back with my usual self later on, I guess?


|| Adriano

It is a tranquil afternoon in the 10th floor laboratory when I decided to hang on my bed, which is the first lower bed from the door, for I needed some comfortable place to work on. Though we use cushioned seats in our lecture rooms, it would be best to work on a bed so that I could sleep after. And yes, Carlo and I decided to take the bed spaces downstairs, for Reign and Maryl could take the upper ones.

I may not sound like it, but I do tend to work on bed as well. I didn't get much sleep last night for I had to finish all of the requirements a day before the said deadline. Today, I was close to finishining this fifth research paper about theoretical astrophysics for this academic year. It is a constant stress to make a research paper a debate, then you have to defend it in front of your professors holding a doctorate degree.

Although rarely, my mind does wonder how fun would it be to be in an undergraduate degree at this age?

After a few hits on my keyboard, I heard a door creak. I gazed onto the direction, and saw Maryl with her eyes full of mesmerizing curiousity.

Her face, it's the same scrutinizing face that she expressed when she first got here. Adorable as ever.

I wonder what she came here for, maybe she was going to ask about the small box I left in the biochem lab? I placed it in the PPE storage for her to see easily.

I heard her steps going towards the stairs, so I decided to pause my work and get up of my bed. I decided to greet her with a question. "Carlo and I planned the design and decorated this place ourselves. We also made the beds since we cannot trust anyone to get in here and do the fixtures. Do you like it?"

She slowly checked on her back and her body twitched. "O-oh. I was.. I was j-just looking for you! Really, haha." she stuttered and left out a teeth clench out of her flustered state. Did I surprise her?

"You seem flustered, are you alright?" I asked quizzically.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine!" she responded in a stammering voice and she went down the stairs cautiously and stared at me.

It seems like she isn't herself today... is she okay? I'm quite uncertain on how to deal with this situation. Well, her appealing face does look she had some sleep last night.

I waved my hand towards her sight and called her jestly. "Maryl. Maryl Juneaux Liu, are you alright? You're not a dummy, are you?"

Snapping out to reality, she swiftly blinked her eyes. "H-huh?"

"You were unresponsive for quite sometime."

Upon realization, she shook her head whilst slapping both of her cheeks red.

So cute.

"So yeah, were you looking for me? I know I'm handsome but I have some responsibilities too, young lady. You better wait for your turn." I teased.

She gave me her resting bitch face for my response. "This is the first time I heard your narcissism. Please, wag ka nang umulit."

"Aray naman Maryl. I somehow tried." I told her in defense.

She bowed her head, lifted it up again and hid her smile with her silky black hair. "It's just, it sounds somewhat like Jinyoung, and I know you're waaay better than that!

I am flattered.

"But I'm more handsome than Jinyoung, right?"

She twitched her face to prevent herself from smiling and responded. "... I'm not going to answer that."

Maryl, your facial expressions are too cute to handle, but I must control myself. But I'm glad I made you smile today.

"Uhm... anyways." she cleared her throat to refocus. "The reason why I was looking for you is because I wanted to ask about this so-called test monkey? Not that I was expecting it, but I have a boba tea covered with a red vacuumed plastic inside the fridge. It has an evolved genus of an anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasite called Giardia, and I haven't started on working on the antiparasitic drug just yet. I'm uncertain on how bad this parasite could be if consumed."

I gave her a smirk. I could not believe she didn't notice the box I left it in the PPE storage, I thought it would be somehow obvious based on my perceptions recently.

She twitched her eyebrows. "So you were lying at me? There is no such thing?"

I gave out a manly chuckle. "Seriously, hindi mo napansin?"

"Di na dapat ako umasa. Hmph." and she gave out a glare.

I chuckled again. "There is no way you did not notice that one. That one small white box at the PPE storage?"

Upon perception, her cat-like eyes gradually stared at me in surprise and gasped. "Nooo waaay Adriano. No freaking waaay!"

"I thought you already opened that box, but I can see you haven't so--" she excitedly squealed and she surprised me with a tight hug.

May she won't notice the louder pounding of my chest, or I will be forced to confess.

"Thank you Adriano. I thought this would be the easiest way for me to express my gratitude. I-i am speechless..." she thanked stutterly.

I smiled. I'm glad I made her happy today. I never thought a simple 'thank you' would be meaningful. It is more than enough Maryl, it is more than enough.

"You haven't seen it the said AI but you thanked me. Di ko alam na ganun pala kababaw kaligayahan mo..." I teased and chuckled.

She broke herself from the hug and chuckled back. "I wasn't expecting that." and she gave a smile "...really."

"So, do you want to test that out? You'd be the first one to see it."

She smiled and nodded and we got out of the bedroom together in a somewhat close proximity. We were about to go to get the bubble tea in the fridge when we both got surprised to see Carlo and some woman drinking bubble tea with a red seal on the top. They are both seated at the dining table, facing towards our direction. The woman looks familiar, but I don't get why she has to be here inside the laboratory. They both gawked at us as if something malicious happened inside, but it is Carlo that owes us an explanation.

"A-adriano... I didn't know you did some business with Maryl inside the bedroom. T-that was quite surprising." he stuttered in shock.

"I would like to clarify that unlike you, I respect my woman, and would never dare to do her inappropriately without consensus." I bluntly replied to him that instantly made his mouth shut.

"Oh my god. No way. Ikaw si Adriano Martinenghi di ba? The unico hijo of the Martinenghis?" the woman interrupted after her bubble tea sipping. "And that that woman beside you is one of the Liu daughters, Ms. Maryl Liu, right? I've been seeing you guys everywhere and you look more fantastic in person, and I gotta say, you look good as a couple."

How I wish.

I twitched my eyebrows and gave the familiar woman a glare and looked at Carlo. "Who is she?"

"Oh. She's Krista. My girlfriend. I guess..." he weakly replied, and tried to murmur the last two words as soft as possible, but I still heard it.

Strangely, this alleged girlfriend of Carlo seems to be hiding her squeal upon my presence. I also heared her murmur "ang pogi" beneath her breath. Gladly she didn't focus on his murmur and he gave me a clue for her name.

I twitched my eyes and gave her a suspecting stare "Let me guess. Krista Silva, 19, an International Tourism sophomore student. Am I right?"

Maryl gave me a questionning glare. "How did you know?"

"I've been seeing her in the university's beauty pageants for quite a while now. Her name is plastered all over social media." I looked back, and saw her flustered eyes.

Don't worry Maryl, I only have my eyes for you.

Thankfully, there is no such thing as telepathy in reality or else... I'm doomed.

She refocused on them and gave them a forced and faked smile with a cross-arms "I see. How did you guys meet?"

"Oh we had shots in the bar, had casual sex, and Gio asked me to be his girlfriend all of the sudden. It was speedy, but I liked it regardless since I was crushing on him hard." Krista excitedly told us the story in a sultry tone, while looking directly onto my eyes, and seemingly trying to get me into her nasty trap.

Carlo's standards are somewhat... too common, I presume?

"Oh... Can't believe speedy relationships are actually a thing nowadays, and I assume it's the best." Maryl sarcastically commented in her own sultry tone, and wrapped her right arm around my left arm.

I gulped in inner nervousness, and Carlo and Krista looked at each other in response. I have to say, Maryl's comment was incredibly savage.

"Oops. I think I said something inappropriate. Sorry." she apologized sassily, and gave a glare and a mocking grin.

Based on my observations, she may be using her flair to mock Carlo for bringing an intruder here. Although there is a 10.67% chance that I could be wrong.

Carlo looked at his watch, turned to Krista and held her hand. "I'll take you to your lecture hall."

Krista pouted. "Ehhh. Already?"

Maryl wore her resting bitch face with a stabbing glare, crossed her arms and murmured. "Oh dear."

"My classes will start in 30 minutes, at mahaba haba pang lakaran papunta ng CITHM." Carlo explained to her.

"Okay sige." she agreed. They both got up and took their stuff, along with their bubble teas. Carlo turned to us and bid farewell. "Sorry, we have to go guys. See you around."

"Sure. Take care." I replied and Maryl nodded in response.

When they left the laboratory, Maryl left out a deep sigh and started ranting. "Is he fucking kidding me?! I thought we already talked about this? This laboratory is supposed to be a secret hideout!"

I gave out a long sigh and sat on the chair by the dining table. "I understand your concerns, Maryl. I don't know what has gotten into Carlo's mind."

She sat on the chair in front of me, and was trying to calm herself down with deep breaths, in which she did 5 times. "Okay. While it's okay to do his fuckboy business outside this laboratory, he should never bring an intruder here."

I kind of interrupted her anger and decided to compliment her. "I liked how you reacted to Carlo and Krista's relationship."

"The reason why I said that is because that Krista woman has a thing on you." she replied menancingly.

"About that, there's nothing to worry. I'm into someone now."

Ah, I slipped.

"Oh sorry, was I too clingy today? I mean I hugged you and had my arms wrapped upon yours. I don't want to hurt your girlfriend's feelings..." she asked worrily.

Will you get hurt if some woman did the same to me? Although, rarely to none.

I gave her an assuring grin. "No Maryl, I'm not in a relationship. You don't have to worry about anything nor anyone."

Does that sound obvious? I hope that doesn't sound obvious.

She twitched her eyebrows, looked and asked confusingly. "Oh, really, so it was a crush?"

"Yes, really. And you could say that. I was busy with more important stuff, you know? Being in a STEM-related major keeps me busy and productive, but it's quite enjoyable." I answered with honesty, and added more words for her to refocus her attention.

She chuckled and nodded. "I can see that. And it seems that you lived throughout your life around it."

I smiled genuinely. "Yes. But I don't mind anyways, I can see myself doing it in the future." I looked straight at her face with curiousity. "How about you, are you in a relationship?"

She went flusteredly mute for sometime and managed to get some words out after. "H-huh, me?"

I nodded. "Uh huh, you."

"N-no, I am not." she answered stutterly. "As a matter of fact, I was focusing on myself since the break-up 5 years ago. I'm doing great working for my double degree."

"I see that we're on the same boat currently."

"I think so too." answered with her words recollected. "I'm not liking majority of the male population nowadays, so it's better prioritize oneself."

I asked her quizically. "Is it because most of them are nonsense and trash?"

She slowly nodded. "I apologize if this sounds offensive to you, as a man."

"No, it's okay Maryl! No need to apologize. I just hope that you'll find someone right for you." I told her sincerely. Even if it wasn't me, I will be happy for her.

Her face flashed with a smile. "Thank you Adriano! The right man must come when the time is right."

I returned a smile back. "I feel so too. Everyone's time will come eventually."

After giving another warm smile, she froze for a moment and had her eyes gaze to the fridge. "I think the bubble tea is cold enough, should we test it?"

"It's your creation, so whenever you think is the best!" I suggested.

"Alrighty! I'm excited!"

"So do I! I wanted to see how that thing works, I hope I didn't mess that one."

She twitched her eyebrows and glared. "I know you're a human as well, so let's just see how it works, although I know you perfected the prototype."

I gave her a genuine smile again for such compliment. "I didn't expect those words, so thank you."

She smiled back, and stood up and walked to the fridge and opened. After a few seconds, she asked in wonder...

"Who drank my bubble tea?"


Beyond the Spectrum | Wave 24: Smooth and Budding• © mxylms