7. I'll Drop you off.

"This little Ancient girl! How do you manage to use such foul words at this age?"

At his words we both looked at each other Wide-eyed!

From the moment the man started cursing angrily in English the two people were debating in English.

The two people looked at each other blankly at each other for a moment before moving their around.

Yeah, they are still standing in the wild place place near General Song's Manor. The pond was still at their side. And they were still wearing ancient clothes as they were wearing few moments ago.

But what's strange is the other person who was supposed to be an ancient man/woman is now standing in the middle of wilderness and cursing in English. What does it really mean? Can you guess?

The Two people looked at each other with complicated expression. Rewinding the whole situation again in their mind slowly.

Myra was the first one to come to an conclusion she looked at the man at front and hesitated a bit before speaking to him.

" ANCIENT LITTLE GIRL?" Myra pressed on each word and repeated it continuously in her mind .

' Oh my! Don't tell me he is a modern person as well! But.. But... There was not any modern person in my story other than female lead!' Thought Myra.

"MENTAL CHARGES!" the man finally managed to came back to life and he repeated Myra's words from earlier as well.

" f***** **** YOU ARE FROM MODERN WORLD!" both said in Unison.

'oh my god! I'm not the only person stuck in this world! But then again the female lead also knew about modern world! And she would just have time travelled here... Then who is this person? How he got here?'

Myra hold her head. Her heart beating loudly. She did not no of it was because of nervousness, excitement, shock or fear. But she could not stop her pounding heart.

"How did you got here?" once again the two spoke together.

"you first, ah!" and here we go again. The two people can't help but look at each other. It's third time for then to ask the same thing at same time.

This time the man gestured me to talk first! Saying ladies First. Of course, Myra didn't mind telling her story. She finally find someone who isn't a novel character.

" I, I just got out of shower when suddenly a lightning struck my apartment and when I opened my eyes I saw you first, that's it! Now it's your turn."

Myra said quickly while beating herself inside. ' just why does she have to add shower part? Is she crazy or something?'

If the man opposite her could read her mind he would definitely nod seriously before adding. 'You little girl, finally know that your are not right in your head. Alas, you finally found out.'

Fortunately or unfortunately he could not read her mind. He only thought about her answer carefully and answered slowly.

"It was something similar for me. I went out of shower and then I went to check my Laptop first. A lighting struck my house and next second you were in my arms"

The man said it so straightforwardly without any feelings.

'Is he making fun of me?' Myra thought to herself. If not then why was he talking like this?

"Are you kidding me? I'm in no mood for your lame jokes." Myra scoffed.

'This man! Do I have to remind him that just now he was babbling about cultivation to trick me? And he came in this world the same Time as me and he dare to lie to me so bluntly!' the more Myra thought about it, the more angry she got inside.

"I don't believe you. Do whatever you want to do!" Said Myra. After saying this her anger suddenly vanished. Then she continued.

" I already have lots of things to do in my hands. I can't waste it here anymore. Let bygones be bygones." Myra started to walk away. Now that she is a little calm. She remembered that today is a big day.

"Wait!" the man held into Myra's

hands and said in an earnest manner "you have to believe me! I'm not lying this time."

"Sigh*, okay let's say that I believe you then what? Nothing right?" Myra sighed tiredly. She really just wants to stay alone for some time.

"At least, I'm relived that I'm not the only modern person stuck here." the man showed a happy smile complete opposite of his feigned arrogance from before.

'alas, it's good to find a fellow sufferer.' he thought.

"whatever, let go off my hand, I need to go.. I'm already late!" Myra on the other hand had so such excitement of finding fellow sufferer. All she wanted was to go home.

"I'm sean and you?" the man did not followed her wishes and started with self introduction.

"Myra" She said blandly.

" you are not chinese?" he asked astonished. From her way of speaking, he does look local. Of course there are various possibilities as well.

"It's complicated" Myra shook her head slightly. Feeling a bit funny about her mixed blood.

"Oh I'm half chinese... Hehe hold me tight I'll drop you off!" Sean said as he pulled Myra closer and encircled his right hand around Myra's waist.