14. Wang wei.

All this time Prince Wei seems to be standing alone at peak.

But Sean's concern was something else. He made a mental note of doing hard work out after going back home.

He wants to look more manly than


The sun out from the mountain. Rising up slowly and illuminating the sky with faint orange and yellow rays, quickly covering the navy blue blanket from before. The Birds welcomed it with a sweet song waking up those who were still sleeping.

Sean kept his eyes closed as he was cultivating at the peak do mountain. When the sun rose up it created a golden circle around Sean making him look like a holy person.

A group of high level assassins saw this scene. They quietly progressed towards Sean to attack. Just as they were about to attack Sean and black shadow appeared out of nowhere and blocked their attacks.

Sean who was cultivating peacefully with his eyes closed, opened his eyes slowly and sighed. He was surrounded by assassins.

Sean always tries to find new place for cultivation but these assassins always manages to find him.

Without any intention to deal with them Sean waved his hand suddenly vanishing in thin air. The black shadow which was blocking the assassins disappeared with him. Leaving the assassins in anger.

"We failed again, how are we going to reply to leader?" one of them said.

"It is okay if he killed us while fighting but these days this brat does not even bother to lift his fingers." another man said.

"He is playing with us deliberately." one of them echoed angrily.

"No matter what we have to finish our mission. Either die or kill that brat." their caption said.

"We all are definitely not his competition what is the use of chasing him?" said the assassin from before.

"If we let go now he will become more powerful. He is ceased to exist in this world. Keep working. He will show some weakness at least once. We have to grab that opportunity." The caption commanded.


Sean listened to them talking and waved his summoning the black shadow from before.

"Find their leader and take control of their organization. Tell Xie er to find all the hidden organizations within 2 weeks anyhow. I don't want to see any assassin organization anymore. Are you clear?"Sean said coldly.

The black shadow shuddered a bit before replying. " Yes"

"You can leave now." Sean ordered maintaining his coldness.

Receiving his orders the black disappeared in thin air.

"Master is becoming more colder day by day." The man in black lamented.

Because his Master was constantly cultivating he broke through another level of cultivation becoming more powerful from before.

How could Sean Know what his mere pretense of releasing cold air turn into a huge burden for his subordinates.

Sean sat inside the pond intending continue with his cultivation.

"How would I become more manly if I do not go back home?" he said to himself.

Suddenly a small stone went through water and hit his head hard catching Sean off guard.

Just now the high level assassin could not even come near him and someone hit him with stone, how could he take in such shame?

"Who dared to hit me with a small stone?" Sean emerged out of pond like a water God. Trying to find the culprit who hit him with a stone.

He looked at the surprised girl in front. Same face, same voice, but different eyes this time. What's more this time she recognized him at a glance.

And then once again she was showing her feisty side towards him.

Sean did not know what stuck into his mind and he a sudden urge to tease her again. Completely opposite from previous time where he just lazily watched the whole drama like a passerby.

Today her eyes kept attracting his attention he still could still not tell the difference but he knew that her eyes were totally different from before.

At first he tired to tease her for fun. As a result the girl managed to distract his attention and the two quarreled like kinder garden kids.

The second he calmed down he come a shocking realization.

That girl is also from the same world as him. How lucky was he to meet someone from at this strange world.

This litte girl seems to know something about this world but she she seems to hesitant to tell him the truth at the moment. But Sean did not mind he showed an understanding attitude and allowed to let the girl relax first.

Also at this moment the litte girl looks more friendly than.

Sean was really curious about how did she managed to look docile before.

But the girl didn't give him any particular answer. Sean let her be.

"Whatever, The good news is I'm not the only one from the modern world."

Sean thought.

Sean dropped Myra before Enquiring about her. Soon he got the information he wanted.

General Song Twin daughters Song Li Na and Song Li Jing are having their coming off age ceremony today.

Sean immediately found answers for his confusion. Last time they were same yet different because Myra and Song Li are twins two different individuals with same face.

He went to meet Myra the next day. And finally Myra reveled the secret. They were in a novel.

Suddenly Sean remembered about the new software he had developed... Wasn't it related to help the writers to improve their novels and covering the loop holes?

"Am I inside one of those novels?" he asked himself. He had a hunch that it is the truth.

Then what my role is? To gain the world? Defeating the beasts? Fighting the God? Well let's cultivate for now.


From the chapter titled Sean thoughts till this chapter was story about Sean experience in this world. From now on there will be occasional perspective of Sean, Myra and other characters as well.