
Lin Lan's residence in the Lin family household was a small courtyard with four rooms. This was where she had grown up. In the past, Lin Lan, her parents and Granny Lian had all lived here.

It's been some time since Lin Lan was last there, so cobwebs were everywhere and dust was kicked up with each step. It took just half an hour of tidying up by Granny Lian and Fu for the whole courtyard to look completely different.

"Ma'am, I had thought Lin Hua would cause you trouble, but not only did he not do so, he even stopped the others from putting you on the spot and allowed you into the Lin household," said Granny Lian with some surprise.

"I did not expect that either," said Lin Lan, who was similarly surprised.

"Granny Lian, why did you think that Lin Hua would cause trouble for Mother?" Zhou Donghuang was curious.