The Life Turner

He always wears black coloured dress and looked very pale, like he was always having a cold. But I can't talk to him as I was always being dominated by the students and it will hamper his reputation.

One day my homeroom teacher called me to the staff room and told me that my academic performance is very bad and when I was being scolded he appeared right infront of me and submitted his report card and then the twist came and the unwanted thing happend i.e my teacher told me to do classes with him for my improvement as i knew that he was going to denny it but I was wrong, he accepted it and from here my life was going to change.

He told me to shift to his house and I was in deep shock. But I told him about my family. Then he gave me a smile and ruffled my hairs and left silently. In the evening when I left for home I didn't see him. But when I reached home he was there and is talking with my mother then my mother told me to go and pack my stuffs for going to his home. It was my deepest shock I had ever. Then I left my home with him and headed to his home with him in his big black car.

We went out of the city into the deep forest in the out skirts of the city. I asked him where we are going , suddenly he came very close to my face and it made me nervous and my lips were shivering and hands were shaking , then he told me to have patience and gave me a smile and moved back to his place . Then after sometimes he hold my hands and I just looked at him in shyness then we reached his mansion. It is so big that I can't stop admiring it. When we entered the gate a maid was there to receive us.