Notorious Dealings

"Alright K, I have a proposition for you, which I'm sure you will be interested in"Stella sounded as much confidant as one can in this situation."I am listening, continue" K replied in his usual tone. There was no curiosity in his voice which made Stella a little less hopeful, but she shrugged the thoughts 'Come on Stella, you can do this, you have to do this' she encouraged herself. Even though her stomach was growling like crazy she pushed that thought behind her mind and focused on the negotiation."You see K from what I gathered from our little conversation is that you really loved to see me poop, so I have a proposal which will let you see me poop directly if you give me access to a toilet, I'll let you in and enjoy the show as much as you can" even though Stella was disgusted with her plan, she didn't want to reveal that to him. "Hmm that is a good proposition, I like it very much" Stella could hear the enthusiasm in K's voice and she was hopeful with the situation. 'Sweet relief here I come' was her thought. "But you sound like you are doing a favour to me wherein it is very clear that you are very desperate and actually I will be doing you favour" the voice put cold water in all Stella's thoughts. 'You pervert, I'm in this situation because of you' Stella wanted to shout but gritting her teeth she controlled herself. "What do you want then" she asked directly as not seeing any other way to negotiate.