Once they lived a Saint called SATANOPEDIAOLOGY and he had great desires to visit places but because he was financially weak he couldn't afford it. Still he desired that one day or another his dream would get fulfilled.
It was a fine day and SATANOPEDIAOLOGY, who rocked in night and slept during daytimes with lots of dreams finally managed to visit lots of temples, mosques, churches in a single dream and when he awoke up, he was still confused and didn't understand where he was?
After finishing off his routine work, SATANOPEDIAOLOGY once again slept by morning 8 a.m. He was in a dream and this time he was in a mosque and in between the followers. They all were rounding in a reverse direction and even he also followed them.
After rounding for 2 times, he became tired and desired to visit the central place where the diety is installed. But what he sees is no diety and it seems like a 7 inch foot box decorated with flowers and many Saint like persons were sitting near the box by praying to it.
He didn't know what were they doing? The language that they used was different and later on SATANOPEDIAOLOGY felt that it should be Arabic. Many of the followers touched the box and obtained it's blessing.
Even SATANOPEDIAOLOGY did the same and after that, he followed the followers and they reached a place which had a black stone surrounded by a golden armour covering and the followers obtained its blessings.
SATANOPEDIAOLOGY also went near the black stone and touched it. Suddenly he heard a voice and he woke up and saw that he was actually dreaming. The curiosity in him increased and he wanted to know which place was it.
He googled all the day till early morning and found no answer. He was sad because even after struggling hard for the entire day till early morning he didn't get a answer and in that sadness, remembering it he slept for that day.
Once again the dream comes and he visits the same place and this time he straight away goes to the black stone and touches it and after obtaining it's blessings, come out of the place and in the entrance he sees the name of the mosque in a most beautiful and ethnic writing but he doesn't know what it spells.
He desires to ask the followers what name it is but they don't even recognise him. SATANOPEDIAOLOGY couldn't touch them and could enter in midst of them. Suddenly he realises, that it is a dream and in a dream how can others recognise him.
So without knowing the name of the mosque he gets worried a lot and comes walking towards the roadside and what he sees is a banner. In the banner it is written "ONLY MUSLIMS ARE ALLOWED HERE." After reading it SATANOPEDIAOLOGY wakes up.
What he sees is that he is in his house and what he saw was a dream. He once again Googles the term he found on the banner and discovers that he had actually visited MECCA.
But he wasn't a Muslim, then how could he visit that mosque. He was perplexed and he said this to his friends, they laughed at him and said that it is impossible because non Muslims aren't allowed inside MECCA. Then how did I go inside the mecca? Really a miracle. Isn't it?