Satanopediaology wanted to know the truth behind his dreams, so as usual he slept peacefully and as usual in the dream, he went to the places which had lots of statues and this time he saw a king like person.
He went to the King and asked him "who are you? What are you doing here?"
The king replies "you didn't recognise me SATAN, I'm gothama, Prince sidhartha."
Satanopediaology gets confused because it was a language which he hasn't heard throughout his life and doesn't know how to respond.
The Prince keeps on looking at Satanopediaology and laughs and hugs and vanishes.
Once again SATAN awakes and doesn't know what to do? He keeps looking at the statue present in front of him and as usual obtains the blessings and leaves for his work.
On the roadside he passes by a Buddhist temple and sees the rolling wheels, he loves to hear it's sound, so he rolls the wheels. He hears some whispering noise. He once again rolls but hears the same whispering sound.
He gets frightened and moves from that place.
It was a heavy rain, thunderstorms, it further frightened SATANOPEDIAOLOGY.
SATAN moved near Buddha statue and rested on its feet. He fell asleep and after sometime he felt that someone was gently touching his head. He felt nice and he allowed it to happen.
The process continued for hours and after sometime SATAN awoke and sees that there is no one.
He then feels who was that? As usual it was a working shit day and a very boring day. He worked hard like a dog and lost his mindset and left his place as soon as his work finished, he falls asleep on his bed forgetting the world.
It seems as if someone was trying to massage him and he felt relaxed and enjoyed it and he lured for more and like this it was already 5 am. He was confused, his body was totally healthy, relieved and feeling great, he really wasn't aware of the magic happening to him.