Chapter Three: Ubria - First World.

".. -ses? Can you hear me?" I groan softly. I feel like shit..

{ What the hell Líng?! That HURT! A lot.. }

[ SORRY! I told you didn't I? But you need to say something to that woman so I can send you the memories of your current body. ]

I blink and look around. There is a woman waving in front of my face. "Ah you are finally awake Miss! I was scared! But you made it through the night! Stay put! I'm fetching the Mistress!" And she runs out of the room. Which gives me time to look around.

{ So, where am I. And who am I? }

[ All right, here is the short info: You have transmigrated into the body of Zhōng Nuǎn, Supposed third daughter of Jiǎohuá Fù Jǐn The world you are currently on is called Ubria. ]

{ SO I'm no longer on Lisang? }

[ Nope, and you will travel to many other worlds too! But we are straying from the important information. I'll transfer all the memories of Zhōng Nuǎn to you now, and it will sting a bit. ]

A tidal wave of information washes over me. From this bodies birth, the naming ceremony her father didn't give her. The push into the river by her half-sisters, growing up in their estates 'Cold Courtyard' and the secret her mother is keeping from her which is the reason she wears a veil covering her entire face. Even she herself has not seen her face.

{ Well that's strict. Líng, can I see this face? I need to know what I'm working with. }

[ Sure thing. ]

A mirror pops up before me. The figure reflecting me is already stunning. Good developed body, even more then I was in my own world. Slowly I pull back the veil, long black hair falls like a waterfall down over my shoulders. I look up. Pale Grey-Blue eyes stare back at me. I gasp softly. I am staring at a slimmed down, teenage version of myself. Well almost then, but at least 80% the same. * I did not expect that..*

{ Talking about Anti-climatic Líng. You couldn't just let me know I looked like myself. }

[ Sorry it was so funny. But yes. In all worlds you will inhabit bodies who are suitable for you, so you will look like yourself most of the time. Especially your eyes. I mean eyes are the windows of you soul, so that's kind of logical! All though, you have very light eyes, so I hope no one will notice that change in the bodies you will inhabit. ]

"Ah Xiǎo Nuǎn, so you finally couldn't stop yourself from peeking. You naughty child."

I swiftly turn around to see a gorgeous woman standing in the doorway. She smiles and walks towards me. Then she pulls my hair back and hugs me from behind.

"I wanted to wait until your sixteenth birthday, but after what happened yesterday with those two pests, I really understand why you wanted to look.

{ Is this? }

[ Yes this body's mother. Her name is Zhōng Yīn Zhì. ]

"I'm sorry Mā. I-" She places her hand over my mouth. "Shh. It's all right. I'll tell you my secret. I'll tell you the reason why I make you wear that veil always. And why I want you to join the Silent Sect." I nod as she pulls back her hand. We sit down and she starts talking.

"Before this marriage. I was in love. I still lived with my parents, with my brother and twin sister. You see your grandfather only married your grandmother out of love, he had no space for concubines, so he also taught us that love was important and that you shouldn't just settle for a man who wouldn't honor you. Not having multiple wives and concubines was very looked down upon, but your grandfather being the First General, nobody dared said anything about it."

I smile, The few times Zhōng Nuǎn was allowed to leave this place where all spend with said grandparents. When she was born and her father had refused to give her his family name of Jiǎohuá, her grandfather had registered her to their family name immediately. This is the reason she carries their last name in stead of the name of the Left Prime Minister. He even refused to give her a first name. It is tradition in our country for both parents to name their child. Nuǎn was the name my mother gave me. But the other part never came.

Mother continued. "So, when negotiating with our neighbouring country Tánhuáng, I met with their envoy as one of the unmarried high ladies. You see, their Emperor was looking for a new Empress, for his last wife died during childbirth leaving only one little prince behind. And by finding her in our country he wanted to seal the unstable alliance we had. At first I was very against meeting with them. Emperors have the biggest harems and I didn't want to be part of that."

I shake my head in disgust.

{ I hate harems. It's not right to steal all those soul-mates from other men or woman! }

[ I agree. I would never have more than one wife. ]

{ Shh you! You are like a little kid. Don't talk so grown up! And let the woman speak!}

"But then I met him, one of the Emperors attendants. He was part of the envoy and we fell in love at first sight. He said name was Chàng and wanted to tell me his position, but I told him his status didn't matter to me. He was everything I had ever dreamed about. He was so charming, and handsome. So the courting started, but being the First Generals daughter, part of one of the few families who our Emperor, Kòngzhì Jízào Lào, was still unable to control, they where reluctant to let me go with Chàng, connecting me through him to the Emperor of Tánhuáng, giving my family even more power. So that's when a plan was made by our Emperor to wed me to one of his ministers. The Left Prime Minister, Jiǎohuá Fù Jǐn, volunteered directly. Off course he couldn't resist adding another beauty into his harem. Unluckily for him I had to become an official wife due to my families status. But since he already had a Main Wife, they settled for the second place. Something I truly didn't want. And my sister, just to be sure, was wed to the son of the Right Prime Minister, who was still unmarried."

I gasp. *This wasn't mentioned in my info!* "How can that man rule this nation! Despicable and cruel! It really makes me angry.." She looks at me with sad eyes and nods.

"Yes, and above that, they arranged it so fast, even Chàng'er couldn't ask his Emperor for help and they had bypassed your grandfather General Zhōng Gāng Míngzhì with the Emperors degree. So I was shipped of to this horrible man. Who didn't even bother to look at me at our wedding day, for his 4 Concubines demanded all his attention. Plus Tānlán Fēn, the Main Wife, was always looking at me with her angry eyes. Not that I worried about them. My head was with my wedding night, and how I could prevent that from happening with that man."

She stops for a moment. "Xiǎo Nuǎn, what I am going to tell you now, must never leave this room. Understood?" I nod fervently. "Please tell me mother. I promise I'll never tell anyone without your permission!"

She closes her eyes for a moment and then she continues."When he stumbled into my room. He was unbelievably drunk. I had sat down at the farthest chair possible, hoping he wouldn't miss me. But his eyes found me and he yelled 'So, little traitor slut, now you can come and please your Husband.' But I didn't move. He made his way to me, grabbed my wrist and tried to throw me towards the bed. I fought him all the way. But with him being drunk and heavy it was useless. After landing under him on the bed, tears started to drip from my eyes and then right before he could lay his hand on my chest, he fell down. I thought he passed out, until I saw a tiny needle sticking out from his neck. My eyes shot up and met with two Grey-Blue eyes."

I gasp but my mom shushes me.

"Maybe you guessed it, but yes it was Chàng'er. He had come to safe me. At first he wanted to take me with him to Tánhuáng, but I told him it would only bring war, and my father would be the one forced to die. So, he did the next best thing. To make it believable to that man, he took my virginity on my wedding bed. And made me a promise to come for me when he had the chance. But the negotiations fell apart after my weddings fiasco and our countries have been at war ever since. So you weren't exactly calculated in the plan. But it gave me a part of him to cherish." A tear rolls down her cheek. "You have so much of him in you. I had to protect you. You do understand right? Xiǎo Nuǎn?"

I jump up and hug her. "Off course I understand, and you couldn't make me happier with news than now!" Mom hugged me back. "And why is that my little flower?" I smile widely. "Because you just told me I am a product of love and not the biological daughter of that Pig who calls himself my father!"

We laughed together and watched the stars together. "Someday I hope to return to his side." I look at my mother. "I promise you mom. I'll find a way!" Then my mothers handmaiden comes running towards us. "Mistress, little miss, the master is on his way to our courtyard! Hurry! Cover little yourself!"

Reacting swiftly my mom wraps my hair back in my scarf and I put the veil in place, just when my 'father' walked around the corner.

"Wife. Daughter. I have news." We both bow to him. "Honourable Father/Husband."

He nods sternly. "I have received a marriage proposal for Zhōng Nuǎn, to become a concubine of our Crown Prince Kòngzhì Xié'è Fàngsì, together with your first sister as she becomes his official Wife." Mother wants to interrupt but he silences her. "But, in the situation we have, I have given it to Jiǎndān Xìntú Lǐzi. She is a much better match for him. You are not even fit to be a servant to our crown prince." I sigh inwardly. "So you can make your choice. Become a palace servant as I suggested, or join the Sect of the Silent Sisters. Either way, your stay here has almost come to an end. You have until your sixteenth age day." And he turns around and walks away.

I look at my mother. "So what can we do now? If I truly join the sect you will be here all alone and all would be lost!" My mother smiles. "No it won't. One of Chàng'ers sisters is a High Priestess at the Silent Sect. And it is not as strict as this country thinks of it." She opens her pouch and takes out a jade. "This is the token your father gave to me. But being locked in here I never had the opportunity to run away and show this. But if you go, show your face and this token. She will bring you to him."

I shake my head. "And what about you then mother! You'll be forced to stay here! What if that man suddenly decides he does wants to take you?! I saw the way he looked at you. It's not safe mother!" She takes my hand and squeezes it softly. "I'm not important. He needs to see you, he'll come for me afterwards." I look at her full of doubt. "I still don't like it. You can't guarantee it to me!" She smirks. "Did you forget who your grandfather is? What have you been learning there. Did you think he gave me a free pass for that?"

My mouth drops. "But he is so big?! How would you manage it?" She laughs. "Well your grandmother did teach me a few ways to knock a man unconscious, just like Chàng'er did to him on my wedding night." I blink. "You mean, with poisons and sorts?" She nods. "Yes. He has been visiting once or twice a year, like the arrogant bastard he is. And he thinks we where together every single time." I start laughing. "You'll need to teach me that then. I'll benefit from it for sure!"

So the following four nights my mother started to teach me about poisons. And with my Medicinal and Herbalism Skill, I picked it up very fast. My mother was very proud of me. And I felt so happy.

{ It's like having my own mother back. Why can't she come with us. I'll really miss her." }

[ Yeah, I understand. I don't even remember my birth mother. I'll always miss something. ]

{ Oh poor Líng, if I can survive all of this, I'll help you find her. Deal?}

[ YES! Deal! You are a great host you know. Wait better said. You are an amazing human being. ]

At the first light on my Age Day, my father returned to our Courtyard. I bow to him and give him my answer. "I'll join the sect father. That way I can give back to our gods for creating me." He nods. "Very well, It'll be done. You will be send off seven days from now."

I smile while packing my bag. While I didn't own much, I did had some sentimental items I wanted to bring. My fathers, my real fathers, jade I held around my neck, so I wouldn't lose it or be taken away. "Are you ready Xiǎo Nuǎn? You know what you must do right?" I nod. "Yes mother." And we walk to the entrance of the estate.

A small carriage awaits me. Xiǎo Kuài, my personal hand servant is already waiting at the door. A friendly looking man sits on the carriage ready to drive me away. "Zhōng Nuǎn" I turn around to the sound of my name being called out by that man. "At this parting I'll grand you an opportunity to gain our family name. You can achieve this by becoming a High Priestess." I nod stiffly, kind of reluctant to accept but needing to, or else he might stop me. "Next, being my daughter, Left Prime Minister of Qiūjì Country, you will be escorted to the sect for your own safety." I blink. *Rather for yourself to keep face.* Who would be the one to escort me I wonder. *Not being allowed to speak truly sucks..*

"The Crown Prince himself has offered to take on this task. Along with the other girl who will join you in the sect, the soul Daughter of the Right Prime Minister." I am a little bit confused, but he starts explaining again. "I suppose it is because he doesn't like being in a lesser position than me with my daughter ready to become a High Priestess, ha ha ha ha." The man laughs hard. "Jiàn Ān Hóng has always been jealous of me. Perhaps it is because his wife doesn't permit him marrying any concubines." I shrug my nose. Luckily he doesn't see it because I'm hiding behind my veil. I peek at my mom who winks at me.

So my cousin is coming too then. I wonder how her personality is. I bow to that man. "Thanks to father for his benevolent arrangement for this lowly daughter. May father live in happiness." He pats my head awkwardly. Then I turn to the woman gathered behind him. "This lowly daughter bids farewell to Mother Tānlán Fēn Yāo." Honoring her title as the first and legal wife. Glad she couldn't see my face though.

[ You are a little bit naughty in times aren't you? ]

{ Don't be so glee about it Líng. }

And I walk towards the carriage. My mother stands next to it, and hugs me. "Have a safe trip my daughter. I send all my love with you and my prayers to you." I hug her back. She slips something in my pocket. "If someone should try to remove your veil, open this and hold your breath, then you'll be safe." I nod and am very happy with my veil so she doesn't notice the tears. "I love you Xiao .." I squeeze one last time. "I love you too Mother!" And I climb aboard.

I hope the journey will go smoothly. *But I have a feeling I'm in for a bumpy ride..*


Here are the significations of the Names I used. I'll shorten them in the upcoming chapters so don't worry! And every time I use a new name I'll put it in the Author's Thoughts!

NAMES (☆^O^☆)

Chéng Nuǎn Yǎ ( CNY shortened)= Zhōng Nuǎn : 忠 Zhōng - Loyalty, Devotion. 暖 Nuǎn - Warm, Genial.

Mother = Zhōng Yīn Zhì : 忠 Zhōng - Loyalty, Devotion. 荫 Yīn - Shelter, Protect. 智 Zhì - Wisdom, Intellect.

Father = Chàng : 畅 Chàng - Smooth, Free, Unrestrained.

- - -

Emperor Qiūjì Country = Kòngzhì Jízào Lào : 控制 Kòngzhì - Control, Dominate. 急躁 Jízào - Irritable, Impatient. 嫪 Lào - Lustful.

Crown Prince Qiūjì Country / Fiancè JT = Kòngzhì Xié'è Fàngsì : 控制 Kòngzhì - Control, Dominate. 邪惡 Xié'è - Wicked, Evil, Sinister. 放肆 Fàngsì - Wanton, Kinky.

- - -

Left Prime Minister Qiūjì Country = Jiǎohuá Fù Jǐn : 狡猾 Jiǎohuá - Sly, Cunning. 富 Fù - Abundant, Rich, Wealthy 锦 Jǐn - Brocade.

Left Prime Ministers First Wife = Tānlán Fēn Yāo : 貪婪 Tānlán - Greedy, Insatiable. 芬 Fēn - Fragrance, Aroma, Perfume. 妖 Yāo - Bewitching.

Second Daughter LPM / Daughter First Concubine = Jiǎndān Xìntú Lǐzi : 簡單 Jiǎndān - Simple, Guileless. 信徒Xìntú - Follower, Adherent. 李Lǐzi - Plums.

- - -

Grandfather / First General Qiūjì Country = Zhōng Gāng Míngzhì: 忠 Zhōng - Loyalty, Devotion. 刚 Gāng - Hard, Rigid, Strong. 明智 Míngzhì - Wise, Reasonable.

Right Prime Minister Qiūjì Country / Uncle = Jiàn Ān Hóng : 健 Jiàn - Build, Establish. 安 Ān - Peace, Quiet. 宏 Hóng - Great, Vast.

Hand Servant Zhōng Nuǎn = Kuài : 快 Kuài = Quick, Swift.
