
Zack was the last one to arrive as always and he went into the classroom just in time to see an interesting scene. Tomio was sitting beside a scowling David and his face was beaten up badly. The rest of the class was sniggering except for Harry who was looking outside of the window, Megan who blushed prettily the moment he entered the room and Dunne and Lloyd who were groaning with their heads resting on their table. Zack raised an eyebrow and looked towards his row to see Laura and Carrie huffing as they sat, leaving a space for him. Zack smirked when he noticed how they took their seats slowly. His clones had not dispelled yet so he could only imagine what those two went through after the party ended.

Zack walked towards them and jumped over the table to so he could take his seat. Laura and Carrie opened their eyes and blushed with tired smiles on their faces. Laura was the first give him a searing kiss and then was Carrie. Zack wrapped his arms around their shoulders and pressed them into his body but they didn't make it to continue as it was the usual until Mr. Johnny arrived and forced them to stop.

Zack smirked at them. "I take it that you two are really tired then," he remarked playfully.

Carrie looked up at him from where her head was resting his shoulders. "You bet we are. After we got to the house your two clones made sure have their ways with us. I had to leave mom's room at four since I needed to get some sleep but my pussy and ass were stretched open so many times that they are hurting all over. I can't imagine what Camie is feeling as her asshole and vagina were gaping wide and she was unconscious with semen going out of those holes and her mouth and mom was giving a clone a tit fuck and the other one was fucking her ass when I left," said Carrie with a whimper as she recalled everything.

Laura nodded her head and she looked to be even more tired than Carrie as she had bags under her eyes. "Mom and I kept fucking your clone until the sun rose after six went around. We knew that we needed to get the guys out so we convinced them and sent them to their houses. Lloyd and his dad were easy but with Dunne and his dad were more difficult as Mrs. Nancy was having her ass split open by her clone in the master bedroom so we had to improvise and leave them on the couch. After mom took dad to the guest room she went back to fucking the clone but I went to get some sleep."

Carrie then frowned at him with a pout as she noticed how he wasn't tired and she was sure he was the one that did the most work in their activities. "How come you aren't tired Zack? I'm sure you continued having sex with Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Jihyun after you left Laura's house."

Zack laughed arrogantly as he held up his chin. "You know me Carrie. I don't get tired easily. As matter of fact I haven't slept one bit since yesterday as after I fucked mom and Jihyun into a coma, Amanda and Tatiana arrived to the house so they could start their jobs. I had to show them in and then Amanda brought some grapes with her before she began to suck my dick in thanks for letting her live at the house. Tatiana fed me the grapes too," said Zack with a happy grin on his face.

Laura and Carrie sighed in exasperation but the smiled nonetheless and nuzzled themselves further into Zack's hard but comfortable body so they could rest a little more before their squads were assigned. They were tired but satisfied and they couldn't wait to be with Zack again so they could feel this way many times more.

A few minutes later Johnny entered the classroom and he was about to yell at Zack, Laura and Carrie to stop acting like hormonal teenagers, even if they were hormonal teenagers, but he was pleasantly surprised that the two girls were merely resting their heads on Zack's shoulders and he was hugging them, around their necks, rubbing their arms tenderly with a smirk on his face and closed eyes. He thankful for that as he had been in a sour mood as of lately.

His bad mood began when the Headmaster told him that Thomas had turned traitor and had attempted to tamper with the results but he was stopped and killed by Zack. He was at first

surprised that a student, even as talented as Zack was, could best Thomas but the Headmaster explained what had happened and Johnny found it to be plausible if Zack tricked his former friend. Johnny's bad mood had escalated when he tried to look for Tatiana but he didn't manage to find her. It was worse when he found out she had quit the Ring Army and had moved from her house. Ring Armies are the army of a country where people have rings as their weapon. This was main fighting force for the countries but mainly used as assassins.

Johnny had been ready to take his bad mood on Zack, as he had killed his friend, but he couldn't find it him to do it since he was doing his duty as a Ringmaster of the city and he was behaving in his class so he settled for neutrality towards him.

Johnny stood at the center of the classroom in front of his students. "Good. You are all here. Remember that you are all adults and the protectors of this country's future. It is your duty to protect its people against everything that threatens it. You will sweat. You will cry. You will bleed. All for the sake of this country. But you won't do it alone. Each one of you it's going to have two squad mates and a leader that will help you in this endeavor. We will also give you rings to whom those don't get from their families. Get stronger. And protect our country!" Declared Johnny with a lot of conviction and a encouraging smile on his face.

The class cheered for Harry who nodded slowly, David who scoffed and kept his scowl, Tomio, Dunne and Lloyd, who groaned, Laura and Carrie who couldn't muster the energy to do it and Zack who yawned in boredom, as he wasn't interested in joining Ring Army, he had his own plans. Johnny ignored all this and he pulled out a shit of paper. "Now I am going to tell you the squads who was assigned to each one. Pay attention as I'm not going to repeat myself. After I'm done you'll get an hour to get acquaintance with your squad-mates," said Johnny before he began to call names.

Zack tuned him as he was first speaking names of the people that he held no interest in this room so he settled for enjoying the soft bodies of Laura and Carrie who were pressed against him. Zack perked up, however, when Johnny began to speak without uttering the number of a squad.

"As is the usual the lowest grading student will be paired with the one highest grading one and one middle grading one. So Squad Gamma is going to be formed by David, Megan and Zack and their leader will be Albert Francis. Squad Beta is going to be formed by Harry, Tomio and Carrie. Squad Alpha is going to be formed by Laura, Dunne and Lloyd. And that's it. Your leaders will come pick you after the hour is done and provide you with rings. Good luck to you all," said Johnny before leaving the room.

Zack smirked when he heard the disappointed groans from Laura and Carrie as they heard they were not in a squad with him.

Laura scowled with her eyes still closed and pouted as she crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up much to Zack's viewing approval. "Why did I have to be on a squad with the lazy bum and fat ass?" She asked rhetorically with a groan in her voice.

Carrie had a scowl on her face as she glared at the painfully grinning Tomio. "At least Dunne and Lloyd won't try to get in your pants every damn minute. Harry is decent enough but why did I have to be with the mutt." She said in exasperation as she found the energy to throw her hands up.

Zack chuckled at them. "Laura you shouldn't be surprised by this as your parents were in the same squad before and that is a combination that has been around for a long time and they will form it every time they can so as to keep the tradition. And Carrie, notice how your ring and that of your teammates, which are you got from your families, are perfect for tracking so your squad was formed for a reason. At least try to be civil with your squad-mates and develop a good teamwork with them. I don't want you guys to die out there." He told them as he hugged them.

Laura and Carrie moaned as they returned his hug before they stood up. Zack smirked as he watched them limp towards their squad-mates and go out of the classroom along with everyone else except for Megan and David. The pink haired girl was blushing up the storm and the angry-faced David was scowling harder that usual. Zack grinned. This was going to be fun.