"Clan head there is nothing in front. The area is deserted, even the life scans aren't showing any details. I think the information we got was wrong...." said one of the 3 people accompanying Maya who had a frown on her face.

"Tatsurou-san are you sure that the kidnappers are here? The sensors are showing no life signals, can it be that somehow they knew that we were coming? But they could have used this chance to ambush us?" Maya thought out loud while watching the empty area with eyes narrowed.

Instead of replying to Maya, Tatsurou walked forward and stepped into the empty space in front of him. He looked at the area in front of him before speaking softly,

"It's true that there is no one here...."

"They have they escaped or were they not here in the first place meaning that our Intel was wrong?" asked one of the elders with a frown as he cautiously eyed his surroundings. He didn't know why but he was getting a feeling that something was off about this whole scenario. Firstly, one of their informants was able to find out the hiding place of criminals who even the government wasn't able to track down. Even though their clan is one of the [11-Masers clan], he didn't think that the government didn't have capable personnel.

Secondly, inside the cave, there were magnetic fields that were interfering with the C.A.Ds thus delaying the activation time by a lag of 5 seconds which was a significant amount of time for any magician. Even if the magicians weren't able to cast spells inside the cave, this went both ways since there was nothing anyone could do about the magnetic fields. If the government send the anti-magician unit to search the cave they the enemy wouldn't be able to defend against them.

Thirdly, they couldn't find a single living organism in the cave, not even insects. This point sent shivers down their spine. He doubted that anyone could hide in such a place, especially with hostages.

"What you are saying is partially true. Yes! there is no one in the cave at all, never was but the Intel was not wrong...The informant could only send wrong Intel if there was any Informant." said Tatsurou as he glanced back.

"What do you mean....?" said the elder before he felt foreign energy surrounding his body, his eyes widened as everything in his vision seemed to have slowed down considerably. Tatsurou standing in front of him was surrounded by a dark-purple aura, his right hand held a gun, [Star-breaker], his personal C.A.D made from indestructible Vibranium.

"The Yotsuba doesn't deserve to live, for generations you have been destroying many lives including my own. It's time for retribution...[Laser Circus]."

(A/N:-Photo of weapons in discord.)

This technique creates several beams and shoots them at the enemy. First, a halo of bright energy spreads around the user's hands as this technique is activated, then it encircles the user's hand and from that, the beams are shot out towards the enemy.

The user is able to alter the beam's direction after being shot, making it possible to strike multiple enemies with pinpoint accuracy, even bypassing hostages held in close proximity.

The user can also increase the number of beams to a great amount to pin down an enemy.

"Arghhh....." screamed the 3 individuals who accompanied Maya were pined by Tatsurou's Laser Circus.

The attack didn't hurt Maya, she was never his target, he just wanted to restrain her so that when he would raze the Yotsuba clan ground she wouldn't come in his way.

Miya couldn't use magic, thus wouldn't be able to oppose him. Opposing his own clan took a lot of determination his resolve wasn't enough strong for him to fight his only friend.

As for Tatsuya ,he couldn't restrain him as his son was too strong. Defeating his was not impossible for Tatsurou but restraining Tatsuya wasn't something that he could do and as long as Miyuki was their with him ,it was impossible for him to do so.

Thus he could only pray to God that his son would understand his pain and wouldn't oppose him otherwise, he would have to kill him himself.

Other than some individuals, not even Okasumi of the Ruujiki clan was as strong as Tatsurou.

"T..Tatsurou what are you doing..!!!" shouted Maya as she raised her C.A.D and pointed at her brother-in-law.

She couldn't believe her eyes, her brother-in-law had betrayed the Yotsuba clan. She wasn't angry at him since his actions were justified to an extent but it certainly shocked her that her ever calm brother-in-law could display such instance bloodlust. Looks like she had underestimated his hatred for the Yotsuba clan.

"[Four Winged Barrier]....." a transparent barrier covered Tatsurou's body. The barrier was a special type of magic used to restrain superpower users such as Tatsuya.

Tatsurou didn't move and allowed Maya to finish casting her spell, he is able to use [Instant-cast] but he wanted to give Maya a chance. He knew she wouldn't be able to escape from the cave no matter what, he had cast a [Time-loop] spell on the entrance, no matter what Maya does if she didn't use a high level detection spell ,she would continuously run in a loop.

Maya turned around to face the other elders who were pinned on the wall.

"Run !!!...Clan head, you can't help us. Escape and call for reinforcements...!!!" said the elder to which Maya nodded and readied to escape.

"Heh.... hahahahahaha..." Tatsurou burst into laughter, attracting everyone's attention.

"No one will be coming to save you...., all the elders are already dead. There will be no reinforcements to help you even if you escape from this cave. I killed everyone of them..." he said as he watched Maya's expression.

Horror could be seen on their faces, even the elders were stunned by Tatsurou's speech. As experienced they were, they knew that he was speaking the truth.

"Brother-in-law...what have you done...!!!" said Maya, unlike in the anime. Ichizu and Nikasu's influence has changed her and Miya a lot. Maya wasn't a dangerous individual who ruled the Yotsuba clan.

Rather both were easygoing individuals who had someone to love, Maya had her sister while Miya had Maya and her children along with Tatsurou, even Okasumi and her two sons were like a family to them.

It was a natural reaction from Maya's side since the one who did this was her own brother-in-law, an elder who was respected by many.

Who knew that his hatred of the clan was so deep, yet they did destroy his life. As they say : [Karma is a bitch].