Her Son

"We're here"the taxi driver said. Hua Ruo Lan sighed before she came out of the taxi. The mansion was located 10km away from the main gate which was decorated with different colours of beautiful carnations to welcome its guests. The gate alone was enough to draw anyone's attention. Some tourists and passerby were busy taking pictures of the magnificent gate. Hua Ruo Lan stood amongst them. These people were intrigued with just the front gate,if they were allowed into the mansion they will just faint.

Hua Ruo Lan never admired this gate let alone the mansion where she lived, she was too blind and stupid to appreciate anything the mansion had to offer her. She needed to get inside but how?. She thought for a while

"The back gate" she said silently as she quietly and carefully moved away from the crowd and made her way towards the back gate.

Hua Ruo Lan used to sneak out of the mansion through the back gate in her previous life. As she was about to open the gate she heard a strong voice coming from behind her.

"Stop"the man said as he walked towards her. This man was dressed in a black suit and he had a dragon like emblem attached to his jacket. Hua Ruo Lan quickly recognized him as a guard. All workers in the Emerald Mansion had this emblem attached to their clothes. It was to show that they worked for the most powerful family in the country. The Lu family.

"Where are you going?"he asked with a serious face.

"Listen...I'm..." Hua Ruo Lan didn't finish her sentence when a man came.

"What is it...who is it..?"the man asked as he came close to them.

"Ma...Madam" Mr Shen said. Mr Shen was the Emerald Mansion's chief guard. He was surprised to see Hua Ruo Lan.

"Why...are you just standing here let her in"Mr Shen shouted as the man quickly opened the gate.

"Relax Mr Shen..." Hua Ruo Lan said with a little smile on her face.

"He doesn't know me..... it's not his fault.."Hua Ruo Lan said.She couldn't even recognize her self much less a guard.

"This way Madam"Mr Shen said as he led her inside where a BMW was waiting for her.

Hua Ruo Lan entered inside the luxurious car. She sat at the back while Mr Shen sat in front with the driver. Hua Ruo Lan wondered if she deserved all this luxury and respect. Hua Ruo Lan fixed her gaze on the green and cream painted walls. This walls were were painted with pain staking care and the details of green jade were magnificent. Hua Ruo Lan never noticed this in fact she never noticed anyone in the mansion except herself. Hua Ruo Lan came down from the car and walked into the mansion along with Mr Shen.

Her eyes roamed the circle emerald ceiling which firmly held a breathtaking chandelier decorated with tiny green crystals. The tiles on the floor bore wonderful details enough to captivate anyone who steps into the mansion. Hua Ruo Lan was beyond amazed. So this is the palace she had been living in. She felt that her presence alone was enough to insult the whole mansion. She slowly walked into the brightly coloured living room which was at the west wing of the mansion. To say the living room was beautiful was an understatement. Hua Ruo Lan was busy admiring the living room when the cry of a child interrupted her. That cry, that voice ached her heart. It was as if Hua Ruo Lan's heart was stabbed. That was the cry, the cry of her son.