Compete For Attention

Hua Ruo Lan didn't even know how to answer that question. She wasn't sure if she recognized herself anymore.

"What do you mean?" Li Yan asked.

"The driver wears an emblem only the Lu family worker's wear and from what I know you could either be a family relative or a close friend... so which one are you?" Wen Lan asked. Li Yan gave a bright smile,she loves it when people this kind of question about her cousin. Hua Ruo Lan was quiet she looked at Li Yan trying to tell her not to blurt everything out but Li Yan couldn't hold herself back. Li Yan clears her throat

"Her name is Hua Ruo Lan... heir to the Hua Corporation,Madam of the Emerald Mansion...wife of the famous CEO of Lu conglomerate and the mother of the Lu family's little heir" Li Yan said happily. After hearing Madam of the Emerald Mansion, Wen Lan's face became blank,she didn't know how to react.

"Wait...wait..I thought...Hua family has two Miss.... I don't understand the rest...the rumors..."Wen Lan swallowed her statement when she realize that no one actually knew who Lu Qian married from the Hua family.

Hua Er Bao was the only woman seen with Lu Qian all the time so people just assumed that she was his wife.

"This..this is huge...but why are you letting that woman take your position... she is acting as your husband's wife when she's not...why are you..." Wen Lan stopped talking when Hua Ruo Lan stood up from her seat.

"Wen Lan it's should go home" Hua Ruo Lan said"come I'll drop you"

"No Ruo Lan you go home...your darling husband might be waiting for you at home...don't worry about Wen Lan I'll drop her at home" Li Yan said as she pushed Hua Ruo Lan to the door.

Hua Ruo Lan moved slowly as she approached her room. It was a long day for her,she quickly took her bath, changed into her night gown and retired to her bed. She felt she had lost a lot of energy with everything that happened. But the energy quickly returned back when she noticed that she hasn't seen her husband since she left the conglomerate, so she swiftly walked to Lu Qian's room. Her eyes glittered as it fell on him. He stood beside the window in his night clothes as the moonlight shone on his face and his body revealing all his manly features. At this point, Hua Ruo Lan's brain went blank. She started sweating when the air conditioner was still on and working perfectly. Lu Qian moved away from the window and saw Hua Ruo Lan standing and looking at him. The lights in the room reflected on her glossy skin and her eyes - those seductive eyes were staring at him and of course her sweet strawberry pink lips were so alluring. Lu Qian took his time to observe her which made Hua Ruo Lan blush. As he walked closer to her, Hua Ruo Lan started breathing raggedly. Seeing her blush made him happy as his lips curled into a wicked smile. He grabbed her waist and stared into her eyes. Hua Ruo Lan's heart started beating very fast. It was like she was in high school again. Lu Qian lowered his head down to her left ear

"Do you want it?" he asked seductively as he bit her ear gently. Hua Ruo Lan was quiet, the butterflies in her stomach couldn't let her speak. She only smiled and nodded.

After receiving confirmation, Lu Qian lowered his head and kissed her neck gently. He removed the left strap of her night gown,and proceeded to her shoulder before returning back to her neck. All the love and passion she was receiving made her determined to put Hua Er Bao in her place. She moaned slightly as Lu Qian continued kissing her neck but he suddenly stopped when he heard a bang from door. Hua Ruo Lan quickly placed the left strap of her gown in its original position while Lu Qian went towards the door and opened it. His eyes fell on the little boy who was hitting the door.

"Sorry for disturbing you sir...he was looking for his..his...mother so...." Chang Ying didn't finish when Lu Jin entered into the room.

"It's can go" Lu Qian said as he closed the door. Lu Jin searched the room until his eyes fell on his mother. He ran to her as he spread his arms. Hua Ruo Lan carried her son.

"Sorry little Jin..mommy hasn't come to see you" Hua Ruo Lan said sweetly as she sat on the bed. Lu Qian was very happy when he saw that their bond was getting strong but he needed to finish what he started with his wife so he joined them on the bed.

"Little's already late...go to sleep" Lu Qian said to his son whose countenance turned cold immediately his father said those words. Lu Qian tried everything he could to persuade his son to go back to his room but the little boy was reluctant. He stood up from his mother's lap and went into the bed. He spread his hands to Hua Ruo Lan and twitched his five fingers indicating that he wants her to join him. This simple gesture made Hua Ruo Lan feel ecstatic but made Lu Qian feel frustrated. This child already knew how to get on his father's nerves. What will he do when he becomes a teenager?. Lu Qian gave up. Since there was nothing he could do he decided to play along with his son. He laid beside Hua Ruo Lan at the left side and held her waist. Seeing this, Lu Jin wasn't happy he got up and removed Lu Qian's hand from his mother's waist and laid in between them and turned to his mother. Lu Qian was completely out of it but there was nothing he could do about it after all he was just a little child. Hua Ruo Lan smiled at her son, all he wanted was her attention. If he couldn't have s** with her, he could hold her but since he couldn't anymore, the only thing he could do was t look at her. Staring into her eyes made his urges intense but what could he do?, it wasn't appropriate to have s** in front of a child so he endure it and continue staring at her. Hua Ruo Lan also stared at her husband sweetly, their hearts seemed to have acquainted but this moment was short lived when Lu Jin stretched his hands and used his fingers to bring Hua Ruo Lan's down to him. He wanted her to look at him and him only. He turned to his father who was obviously displeased by his actions and gave him a sweet smile before turning back to his mother. The way Lu Jin disregarded his father while being cute made Hua Ruo Lan laugh silently. After all her attention has completely shifted from Mu Feng, Lu Qian now had to compete for Hua Ruo Lan's attention with his own son.

"How the hell did I not see this coming?" Lu Qian asked himself as he switched off the lights.