Chapter 28: I miss you

3 days later...

Kierra (Oh My!, Why am I missing him so badly?)


Rolden: I'm fine now so we can chat again

Kierra: That's good to know, Don't you have anymore fever or sickness, Is it now ok really?, Are you well?, I don't want your sickness to come back on you... because I...

Rolden: I??

Kierra: I..... *stops* [then] *types again*I feel worried as your friend (What's wrong with me?)

Rolden: Ok *sad a little*

Kierra: Rolden?

Rolden: Hhm??

Kierra: N-nothing, Nevermind, Uummm... Bye, Hehehe

Rolden:?? (What's wrong with her?)

Kierra (I should search for this....)

Kierra starts researching..

Kierra: What you feel if you like someone?


Kierra *scrolls down* Oh My! This really like me... What I feel... If you like someone, you always misses him, worried, happy to see, chat, or being with him, talking, laughing, mind and heart beats like drums.... etc.... *sighs* What should I do?, I don't really expect this? *worried*