Chapter 44: The Rank 5's


Top 5: Ez Yi

Age: 17

From: Yi Family, their mansion is located at Papu in FFF Country

Siblings (Including Him): 9

Owns and Rich From: Ez Yogurts Farm, Factory, and Company

Best and favorite (subj) :English

Favorite Color: Red-Orange

Hair Color: Red-Orange

Eye Color: Red-Orange

Skin tone: Fair

Likes: Sports Car

Hates: Bus

Specialty: Car Racing

Comfort Food: Pizza

Favorite Place: Sunny Roads

Type (Woman): A little chubby, Obedient/Respectful and Nice

Holds/Position/Tribe/Runs: The whole FFF

Top 4: Rafaello Tonitos

Age: 14

From: Tonitos Family, their palace is located at Cleork in Demyu Country

Siblings (Including Him): 16

Owns and Rich From: Tonitos Chickens Farm, Factory, Company, and Restaurant [the number one restaurant in the whole world]

Best and favorite(subj): Science

Favorite Color: Mustard

Hair Color: Mustard

Eye Color: Starry Night Sky

Skin tone: White

Likes: Sailing

Hates: Sharks

Comfort Food: Seaweed and Sea Urchin Noodles

Specialty: Voyage

Favorite Place: Seas

Type (Woman): Adventurous, Brave, Strong, Cheerful, Funny, and a little clumsy

Holds/Position/Tribe/Runs: The whole Demyu

Top 3: Frencesca Dylan

Age: 17

From: Dylan Family, their castle is located at Paris in France

Siblings (Including Her): 18

Owns and Rich From: Dylans Movies, Theatre's, Acting, Directing, Broadcasting, Studio, TV's, Radio's, Magazines, Films, and Commercials [the number one directing studio in the whole world]

Best and favorite (subject): French

Favorite Color: Peach

Hair Color: Peach

Eye Color: Reddish-Pink

Skin tone: White

Likes: Singing

Hates: Poor

Specialty: Archery

Comfort Food: Cream Pies

Favorite Place: Museum

Type (Man): Astef

Holds/Position/Tribe/Runs: The whole France

Top 2: Light Montei

Age: 16

From: Montei Family, their castle is located at Y in XZA Country

[Has no siblings]

Owns and Rich From: Montei Musical Instruments and Musicians [the number one musicians in the whole world]

Best and favorite (subj): Mystery

Favorite Color: Dark Blue

Hair Color: Light Violet

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Skin tone: White

Likes: Piano

Hates: Drums

Specialty: Violinist/Violin

Greatest Enemy: Astef

Comfort Food: Pasta

Favorite Place: Amusement Park

Type (Woman): Frencesca

Holds/Tribe/Position/Runs: The whole XZA

Top 1: Astef Morlen


From: Morlen Family, their kingdom hall is located at Urassie in Eurapia Country

Owns and Rich From: Noble's Hospital and Clinics [the number one hospital in the whole world]

[Has no siblings]

Best (subj) :All

Favorite subject: None

Favorite Color: Silver

Hair Color: Grey

Eye Color: Grey

Skin tone: Snow

Likes: Inventing

Hates: Noise and Disturbances

Specialty: Fencing

Greatest Enemy: Light

Comfort Food: Pasta

Favorite Place: Darkness

Type (Woman): Unknown

-He doesn't fall or even had a crush to anyone since birth. He doesn't know and want love. He somewhat hates it, I guess.....

Holds/Position/Tribe/Runs: The whole Eurapia

Claudia: Do you have any comments and questions?

Kierra: the one's who have 16 and 18 siblings, their... their... parents..... are so great and very.... hehehe in producing.... ehehehe 😅😅 and their age... Some of them are too young... Light and Astef are enemies.... Eh?

Claudia: Yep, I know.... They are all genius... Oh! I almost forgot! Their titles and distinctions!..... I mean... Characteristics/Personalities and also... Their Birthdays and Zodiac Signs..... And our grade system is separated to them.. Don't forget but... their grading system is somewhat similar to us...

Kierra: I know