Chapter 75: The Chess Part 1

Kierra: Oh! I remembered that this is where usually Doc Via stay and I know when she's bored and not busy, she played her chess. Wait for me here, I'll get it. It should be on her black bag since she always left her bag here. Let's play while waiting the rescue...

Rolden *holds Kierra's hands* Wait!, Is she not going to be...

Kierra: Nah, She always bring her valuable things with her... On her gown and pocket... She's super kind...

Rolden *stands up* I'll come with you then, what if there's an object will fall into you, who knows what will happened....

Kierra: Eh?!, I'm not that weak. I'm strong...

Rolden: I know but as a man like me, I should ensure the safety of the woman that I'm together with everytime. You're still a girl, always keep that in mind.

Kierra: Alright... Eek!!

Rolden: Let's go...

Kierra (Eek!, He's still holding my hand...) Uummm can you release me?!

Rolden: No!

Kierra: Eh?!

Rolden: Where is it???

Kierra: Oh! Over there! *points onto something* Behind the bed!

Rolden: Ok, I got it! *gets the chess* Let's go!

Kierra: Whoa!!!

Rolden (Even though, you said that we don't know each other before and we've met only for three times, I still want to hold your soft hands even if it's wrong or you have already a fiancee, Just for a little longer... Just for now, I want to feel the warm of your hands, Kierra)

Kierra: Ok, Let's set it up first then play