Chapter 3

"Ugh..." Xing Shen groans as he opens his eyes.

'System, what happened?' Xing Shen asks.

[Host fell unconscious due to the pain from the Essence in this world rapidly being absorbed into Host while rushing towards his dantian.]

'Ugh, did anything bad happen due to that?' Xing Shen questions.

[No, Host. Nothing bad happened due to this other than Host fainting. In fact, it can be considered quite good as Host increased in cultivation greatly.]

'Is that so. Status.' Xing Shen thought.


-Name: Xing Shen

-Gender: Male

-Race: Primordial Dragon

-Age: 10

-Cultivation: Spirit Warrior Stage 3

-Combat Prowess: Spirit Elder Stage 2

-Strength: 315

-Agility: 290

-Dexterity: 285

-Vitality: 255

-Endurance: 260

-Intelligence: 450

-Wisdom: 430

-Charm: 100

-Luck: 100

-Willpower: 9999

-Spirit: Abyss Dragon

-Points: 72

-Skills: Basic Swordsmanship(Level 8), Basic Movement(Level 7), Abyss Fire(Level 1), Lightning Sword(Level 1), Half-Dragon Transformation(Level MAX), Dragon Transformation(Level MAX)

-Kin: Xing Man(Mother), Xing Feng(Father), Xing Yue(Sister)]

'What? I actually directly jumped straight to Spirit Warrior Stage 3 after that? Just how much Essence did I absorb?' Xing Shen asked in shock.

[A lot.]

Xing Shen rolled his eyes at the System's reply, not bothering with it anymore. Rather, he was excited because his cultivation rose so much within this limited time. After all, he chose this type of world himself, so he knows he has to be strong to be able to do anything in this world.

"Brother! It's time for dinner!" Xing Yue said, barging into his room.

"Brat, what if I was changing?" Xing Shen said while flicking her forehead.

"Ow! You aren't changing anyways, so why did you flick me!" Xing Yue complained with tears in her eyes.

Xing Shen twitched his mouth as he watched her. She barged into his room like this 2 years ago when they were 8, and he just happened to be changing his clothes then. Although he was still a child right now, his mind was that of an adult, so he was quite embarrassed about that situation.

"Whatever, let's go. You said it was dinner right?" Xing Shen sighed.

Xing Yue grinned as if she won something and ran ahead of him, and he just shook his head and sighed while following behind her. After a few moments, they got to the kitchen for his family and their parents just finished setting the table.

"Xing Shen, Xing Yue, come sit down. We made your favorit-" Xing Feng(Father) suddenly stopped speaking as he looked at Xing Shen.

Xing Shen sighed as he knew his father saw his cultivation that suddenly appeared, making him think of ways to explain it to his parents without them thinking it was weird. After not having a family in his last life, and also regaining his lost emotions, he quite loved this family of his.

"Xing Shen! How on earth do you have cultivation at Spirit Warrior Stage 3?! You had no cultivation earlier!" Xing Feng(Father) questioned in shock, startling his mother and sister into looking at him in amazement and shock.

"Well, you know how I could't cultivate at 5 years old like normal people, right?" Xing Shen sighed and asked as his family nodded.

"Well, I couldn't cultivate because of my Spirit. My Spirit is a strong and rare one, so it basically froze my cultivation by an extra 5 years, and I just got my Spirit a few hours ago. Due to my cultivation being frozen for 5 years longer, it ended up inflating directly to what it is currently." Xing Shen said.

His family looked at him in amazement, while his sister looked at him in admiration as he was stronger than her now.

"What exactly is your Spirit for it to do this, Shen'er?" Xing Man(Mother) asked.

"My Spirit is called Abyss Dragon, one of the strongest Spirit's in existence and in control of the Abyss Flame, ranked second among the strongest flames in the world." Xing Shen said simply.

This time, his family was so shocked that their mouths were wide open, and even Xing Yue had her little mouth wide open because she was taught by the teacher of the clan about a lot of stuff, and the Abyss Dragon was part of it.


1 hour later.

'Sigh, thankfully they finally stopped asking and we could finally eat dinner, it was really difficult to come up with a lie like that on the spot. Luckily for me they bought the lie I created, at least.; Xing Shen sighed as he lay on his bed.

He had forgotten that people could see his cultivation as long as their own is stronger than his, and his parents both have cultivation at Spirit King, while most of the elders in the clan have cultivation at Spirit Lord to Spirit Emperor, meaning all of them can see his cultivation easily.

'System, is there a way to hide my cultivation from people so that this doesn't happen again?' Xing Shen asked with hope in his voice.

[Yes, Host. System can create a protective spell on Host's body to block the perception of anybody, so they won't see his cultivation. The only exception would be Spirit God's but nobody else would be able to see Host's cultivation. Does Host wish to activate this?]

'Yes!' Xing Shen screamed mentally in excitement.

[Hidden Spell activated.]

Xing Shen let out a sigh of relief, as this means that those powerful elders in his clan won't be able to see through his cultivation anymore, meaning he own't have to go through their interrogation about how his cultivation suddenly became like it is now.

Although his parents also interrogated him about it, they wouldn't do anything extreme to him since they are his parents, but the same can't be said about the elders of the clan since the only relation they have to him are that they are the elders of the clan he happens to be connected to.

Letting out another sigh of relief, Xing Shen closed his eyes and relaxed on his bed, feeling slightly tired from explaining to his family for the past hour or so, and it is also currently nighttime and he is still a child right now. He sighed as he quickly fell asleep on his bed.