Good Morning, Chief Warden

There was only one reason why Wuxing would confront Long Qing instead of staying silent and ignoring his slander—this being his current location and situation.

Wuxing was now a criminal inside a prison with thousands of people who most definitely hated him and what he represented. In this place, there were people who were even more hated than Seven Star mercenaries.

The rapists.

Even if the criminals imprisoned here were infamous terrorists and bloodthirsty killers, most with multiple offences to their names, the vast majority were hot-blooded men who were against crimes like r*pe. If Wuxing had allowed Long Qing to frame him and successfully paint him as such a monster, he wouldn't have a nice time in here.

Initially, he could scare other prisoners from attacking him due to his fame and skills, but if they believed that he was a rapist, even if it wasn't true, they would definitely team up against him. Even if he was strong and went through long years of training, he would not be able to fight against hundreds of men all by himself for who knows how long.

News inside the prison travelled fast and if he failed to convince these people of his innocence, it would be impossible for Wuxing to prevent this fake information from spreading. That is what Long Qing wanted. Unfortunately for him, Wuxing would not allow for that to happen.

The criminals in the Alpha Sector weren't stupid and seeing the situation, together with Long Qing's reaction, they could tell that the new warden was just trying to frame the newcomer.

The first stage was done. Wuxing faintly rejoiced seeing that the prisoners were no longer directing their glares at him, but rather aiming the spear of their dissatisfaction towards Long Qing instead. These criminals despised such a practice as the same could happen to them as well. This treachery, coupled with the fact that Long Qing was actually from the Seven Stars, didn't help him at all and rather generated a higher volume of anger towards him.

The second stage was just about to happen. It was about how to salvage the crisis of the guards coming at him because of Long Qing's order. Unfortunately for them, Wuxing already had a plan prepared the moment this new warden appeared, even before he started his idiotic 'righteous' speech.

Just as Wuxing expected, the first guard to reach him was the same one who was in charge of waking the prisoners up this morning, the very person who showed some respect in his eyes towards Wuxing.

This ex-Seven Star agent had already calculated everything. He had taken note that this guard stood the closest to him and because he was young, there was a high possibility he would listen to the new Alpha Sector warden's order.

The guards on the platforms near the ceiling had semi-automatic machine guns with live ammunition and they watched over the whole morning procedure with great care. They wouldn't mind shooting if anything serious was happening. The prisoners knew that they would certainly die if they decided to think of anything funny, so they just stood calmly on their spots and watched as the situation played out.

This was also the reason why the guards didn't mind walking next to the prisoners with no guns, only armed with taser batons on them, which was just enough to protect themselves in emergency situations.

Just as the young guard reached him, the way he swung his baton was swift and ruthless. As taught in his training, he showed no mercy against rebelling prisoners. However, just as he was about to swing his baton down with all his might, he subconsciously froze.

He was actually terrified to continue.

What stopped him were Wuxing's cold azure eyes that met his own. These pair of eyes were giving off a dangerous feeling, an invisible signal to him that was transmitting a message, 'If you move any further, I will kill you.'

Just as he was about to say something, Wuxing's eye colour abruptly changed.


At that moment, the young guard dropped his baton to the ground and cried out, frightened out of his wits. The other guards were a bit farther away and their positions did not allow them to see the quick change on Wuxing's eye colour before it returned back to normal. However, how could the young guard miss it? Adding the simple yet fiendish smile on Wuxing's face, the poor guard had every reason to be scared. He did not even notice that he had lost balance and fell on his ass.

"What happened?" Another guard quickly walked up and helped his buddy up while watching Wuxing cautiously. He didn't see the new prisoner attack or do anything other than look at his friend. He was quite speechless at this scene.

A couple of prisoners could not help but laugh at the trembling young guard but they were quickly disciplined by the second one with the end of his taser baton. They immediately quieted down after that, but there were still mocking smiles visible on their faces.

"His eyes changed colour! I swear they turned blood red for a second!" The young guard shakily stood up, still spooked. He pointed at Wuxing, hastily explaining his behaviour while distancing himself a bit.

"You must have seen wrongly. Look, his eyes are blu—holy shit!"

The second guard turned around and saw that Wuxing's eyes were indeed blue, but when he blinked, his reaction wasn't different than that of his friend's.

"I don't think you want to make an enemy out of me. Are you going to pretend to be blind and listen to this liar who has been here no longer than a day, or are you going to be smart and listen to the Chief Warden who ordered you all not to provoke me? I will not hesitate to kill you if you want to bet on your luck."

Wuxing's eyes had reverted back to their normal colour, but his voice was sharp and cold. The guards had no doubts about whether or not this dangerous man could actually act on his words.

"Cough… He is actually right. I heard the Chief Warden said something like that," one of the guards weakly coughed and the rest of the guards looked at each other in hesitation. Then, they glared at their new warden with ugly faces before they walked back to their original positions, no longer bothering about executing such a thankless job.

This was also one of the reasons why Wuxing decided to go along with this plan. Long Qing was still new. Between him as their immediate superior and the Chief Warden who had been in his position for years, the guards were bound to hesitate whose words to follow. Even if they had respect for Seven Stars, Long Qing would have to prove himself trustworthy and likeable first for them to listen to his orders wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately for Long Qing, he had the habit of thinking that he is better than everyone else and he wasn't even afraid of showing it, daring to flex his muscle of authority at every opportunity he could get. His new subordinates definitely already figured out the real nature of their new warden.

The second stage of Wuxing's plan turned out to be successful. It was time for the last stage to be executed.

Wuxing calmly watched the raging Long Qing who was on the verge of blowing up before glancing at the camera in the corner of the ceiling with a small smirk.

"Damn, he knows we are watching. Stupid Long Qing! I told him to not create any trouble yet the first thing he does is to make a mess. If not for his father, he would be nothing. Why can't he be like that Wuxing, calm and collected? Now, I even need to step out and stop him before things get worse," the Chief Warden cursed as he watched from inside the surveillance room what was happening inside the Alpha Sector.

He didn't have a shred of good opinion about Long Qing as he only got here thanks to his father's connections. The fact that these people from Seven Stars wanted to play their games inside of his prison only worsened his opinion of him. He definitely didn't like this, but he was helpless to stop it as orders came from above.

Back in the Alpha Sector, Long Qing started cursing as well, "Idiots, I told you to put him down! Didn't you hear what I just said? Do you want to get fired for not listening to my commands?"

One of the guards opened his mouth. "The Chief Warden said—"

"I don't give dog fart about what the Chief Warden said! I am in charge here so you are listening to me now!"

To his surprise, none of the guards looked scared of him when he yelled, which made him suspicious. Only when all of them said, "Good morning, Chief Warden!" did he realise why.