Shots Fired - part 2

The green-eyed guard glared at Wuxing right after that and yelled, "I will count to three! If you don't lie down on the ground, I will shoot!"

The other prisoners who were laughing before now feared that the shooting will start and they will be affected, so they moved away from the line of fire.

Truth be told, they could help Wuxing by testifying that he was actually protecting himself but who would dare to stand out now? It was fine to help a fellow prisoner in normal situations as everyone stuck together, but if there were guns involved, then it was better to stay away. In the worst case scenario, they would also be accused as another rebel and be made by them to share the blame.


Wuxing was at a loss for words for a moment, feeling that there was no need to talk to such a narrow-minded guard and just wait for a higher up to talk reason with and control the situation. Therefore, he stood like a rock and didn't move.

"One!" the guard started counting. At this point, even the miner stopped whining from the pain and realized in terror the situation that he is in. He was happy at Wuxing's misfortune but he also needed to take care of himself.

What if this prisoner suddenly picked him up and used him as a human shield?

He needed to move away from this prisoner's and the guard's range as soon as possible. He started to crawl away, ignoring the horrible pain that immobilized his body. His hands were all bloody and covered in dust, while one of his arms were broken, but he persevered as this was better than dying. In a quick succession of movements, he managed to pull himself away from Wuxing by a few meters. He tried to talk but the pain was too much and he could only sob.

Wuxing smiled and advised, "Don't you need to help this guy? He is bleeding all over. If you don't, he will get an infection, lose a lot of blood, and die soon after."

It caused the guards to look at the bloody mess of a miner on the ground. Both of them nodded at each other. The green-eyed guard gritted his teeth and said through the short-wave radio, "We need a medic as well. One person is injured. Over."

"The doctor is on his way. What happened? Over." The voice this time asked for more information. It has already been a half a minute after the first call for help and other guards started to appear one by one as well. If there was only one prisoner revolting, they didn't need every guard to appear on the scene.

"What is going on?" other guards also asked when they saw two guns pointed at the smiling Wuxing. After looking at the bloodied miner on the ground, they could actually imagine what was the situation, but they still asked the question.

The guard turned around to the others and called out shortly as he pointed at Wuxing.

"A prisoner beat up the miner-in-charge. Over." before he repeated the same to the short-wave radio.

"Copy that. We are sending medics. Take care of him fast and bring him back for questioning. Don't disturb the mining. Out," the voice behind the radio said.

Returning his gaze towards Wuxing, the green-eyed guard yelled, "Two! If you don't listen to me, I will shoot you!"

The other guards looked at Wuxing who appeared calm, not listening at all and just standing there. They found the situation strange, but they could not pinpoint why. It was normal for them to do such practices like this. They were just following the procedures.

They had to be extremely careful when handling a revolting prisoner. No one wanted the same situation to repeat where the prisoner managed to snatch a gun and hurt a fellow guard.

Wuxing shrugged with his shoulders and said calmly, "I would never do something that would allow you to humiliate me. If you don't mind the Chief Warden's anger, then go ahead. Shoot me."

"What is he talking about? Does he have connections with the Chief Warden? Did you ask what happened?" one of the guards who came later asked the green-eyed guard, confused.

"He said that he was a Seven Stars Officer—"


Just as the partner of the green-eyed guard tried to explain, they heard a loud sound next to them of a rifle being fired.

"What the hell?!" they called out to the green-eyed guard angrily. He just ignored them and took actions on his own. It would be fine if they were not here but now that they were together, they all accounted for each other's moves.

Suddenly, they heard a dry chuckle and they were dumbfounded to see the young prisoner still standing without any hint of injury.

The young prisoner sneered, "I have never heard of a warning shot being aimed at the head. I wonder what is your motive."

The other guards processed his words in silence, 'What did he say? He was aiming at the head?'

Bang! They heard another shot.

'How can he dodge a bullet shot!? I aimed correctly!' The green-eyed guard panicked seeing that his second bullet still didn't hit the target and Wuxing was still all right.

'I knew it. He must be hired by that bastard.' Wuxing confirmed his theory as he continued to watch the barrel of the guard weapon. With another chuckle, he said, "That's the second head shot now."

It was hard to dodge a bullet, but it didn't mean that it was impossible. Wuxing's head was a small target and based on the distance between the two of them, factoring in the position of the barrel, it was possible to compute when and where to dodge. Wuxing only needed to start shifting his head the moment before the guard even completely pulled the trigger of the gun.

"What are you doing?! You are definitely aiming at the head! Do you want to get us fired!?" the other guards this time witnessed the green-eyed guard's actions so they could tell that they were going to be implicated if he wasn't stopped.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Feeling the pressure from the other guards, the green-eyed man shot three more bullets in quick succession but this time he aimed at Wuxing's body. He knew it was his last chance to kill Wuxing before his colleagues stop him. Having received lots of money which could set his family for life, he couldn't go back on the deal.

This time Wuxing couldn't dodge the bullets as his body was too big and he could not avoid them fast enough. The bullets were also shot at random spots which only allowed him to dodge one of them. The other two bullets entered his body and one even went all the way through.

Looking down at his belly, Wuxing could see two holes, one on the shoulder where the bullet hit a bone and was still stuck inside his body and another one under his stomach which went all the way through, probably damaging his intestines.

'Fuck, it hurts… I hope my plan works...' Wuxing thought as he gritted his teeth.

Even if he was a specially-trained agent, he was human and he would still feel pain when his flesh and insides were being ripped apart. Unfortunately, he had to go through this pain for his plan to work.