Pleasing Argument

"Obviously, I ate it," Wuxing said with a nonchalant shrug before sitting at the edge of the bed. "You told me to take food from the fridge, so I did."

His expression was so calm as if he didn't see what was the problem with what he did. On his defence, since she gave him permission, even though he took more than a single person's portion, it shouldn't be much of an issue.


Dongmei slammed shut the door of the fridge and stormed towards him with her cheeks reddened.

"There was like a week's worth of food there and you just ate all of it?!" she cried out.

Wuxing nodded, still not realising what her problem was. It was just food. It's not like there was a shortage of food in the prison. "Yeah, I was really hungry. Those single portions were barely enough to feed a hamster. Don't be so surprised I could eat all of it—"

Dongmei reached him and wanted to hit him out of frustration, but her hand was easily caught by him—which wasn't surprising as her attack wasn't actually meant to hurt him.

Having her hand grasped by the wrist, she attacked with the second one but it was also seized by him. Just as she was about to use her legs as well, Wuxing suddenly pulled her and threw her onto the bed. He quickly sat on her waist, effectively pinning her down while her hands were above her head just like before. Wuxing was quite surprised to see her looking even more embarrassed compared to when they finished kissing.

Dongmei started to tussle left and right, trying to escape, but due to his superior strength, she didn't have any chance at all. Having no options left, she stopped struggling and glared at him with an imperative, "Let go!" However, her threat wasn't effective. After their brief power struggle, her hair was spread messily all around the bed and even her eyes started to redden. He was tempted to kiss her again.

"I won't unless you tell me what is up with you. We were just kissing a moment ago and instead of thinking about that, you trouble yourself with mere food." Wuxing didn't let go of her and demanded answers. For him, her reaction was beyond weird.

In response, Dongmei puffed her cheeks, wanting to rebuke him. However, she couldn't find the right words. Actually, she could, but her reason was too silly and embarrassing for her to say out loud.

She avoided his piercing gaze and looked to the side, muttering, "It's not just any food… You wouldn't understand…"

Wuxing extended her arms further up, forcing her limbs to keep her head to stay still. She could not turn her head away and could only look at him straight.

"Then, let me understand." Wuxing closed in on her, his face close enough for his warm breath to linger on her lips. "If you don't tell me, I will not know what I did wrong."


Seeing her lovely dazed expression, he kissed her again to gather her attention and said with a warm smile, "I will continue to kiss you until you tell me. I'm not one of those people who easily give up."

"I will bite next time you—"

However, before Dongmei could finish her sentence, her lips were once again sealed by him. She wanted to bite him just as she said she would, but then all of a sudden, something slimy slipped into her mouth, licking the inner part of her lip. Before she could react to what happened, Wuxing withdrew his tongue, leaving another sweet tarty apple taste in her mouth.

Her confusion by his action got topped by the next words he said.

"I already stole your first kiss, I don't mind stealing more."

"How did—" As soon as her mind started working again, Dongmei immediately tried to question how he discovered this was her first, but he kissed her once again, breaking her line of thoughts the way a storm destroys ships. The slimy object she identified as his tongue slipped bravely once more, this time even touching her own, playfully circling around it.

She wasn't foreign to the concept of French kissing as she had watched a lot of movies with kissing scenes like that, but it was one thing to watch it and another to actually experience it.

"It wasn't hard to read that from your actions. You weren't really responsive at the start and only after some leading did I ignite the desire for more in you."

After the kiss, Wuxing explained his observations and it would be strange if it didn't make Dongmei embarrassed. She retaliated by putting a low value on it.

"So what if you did?" she scoffed. "It's just a kiss, nothing much."

"Oh, if it's nothing then I won't hold myself back anymore," Wuxing said playfully, not bothered by her words. The more she resisted, the more benefits for him. Who wouldn't enjoy kissing such an untamed and innocent beauty?


Dongmei knew what he wanted to do, but in her current situation, she couldn't stop him. The initial questioning about food turned into another kissing session, changing Dongmei's definition of torture.

If he was trying to convince her to talk with pleasure, would he ever succeed?

Just as he said, he didn't hold back anymore and each time he kissed her, his tongue became a frequent visitor in her mouth. It danced around her own, teasing it until it finally decided to follow its fun actions. Wuxing didn't give her any break, continuing to push further and further, corrupting her mind with new experiences.

A few minutes later, their breaths turned heavy, but Wuxing didn't stop. Slowly luring her tongue out of her mouth, his mouth sucked and his own tongue danced around it, trying out and teaching her a handful of kissing techniques. As his good student, soon, it was Dongmei who created havoc inside his mouth instead.


Instead of pinning her down to the bed, Wuxing just gently held her hands, but she didn't try to run from him anymore and moaned occasionally, showing signs of enjoyment. With her like that, their argument from before was pushed to the side, leaving only the present in the picture.

"Tell me… or… I won't stop…"

Wuxing wanted to break away from her and blackmail her, but it didn't go as planned as each time he tried to speak, she would cover his lips, suppressing his voice.

"What if… I don't want you to stop anymore? I don't hate it." Breathless, Dongmei finally admitted the truth, not hiding it anymore.

Hearing the desire in her voice, Wuxing smiled and let go of her before sitting up with a shrug. "Well, then, I will stop now and there will be no kissing anymore."

Dongmei clearly didn't expect such reaction. She thought that Wuxing would push her even further instead. Seeing her expression, Wuxing quickly gave her an option. "Tell me what I want and I am at your service. What is it about the food?"

"Those food are made just for me."

"And? Can't you just eat with everyone else in the prison canteen?"

Knowing she wouldn't be able to escape from answering, Dongmei finally gave up, sighing, "I-I can't. I have a phobia—"

"Really?" Wuxing asked. His playful face changed back to a serious one after hearing that she had a problem. "What phobia?"

After hesitating for a moment, Dongmei confessed. "I… I can't eat food that is not prepared in front of my eyes or if I don't fully trust the person preparing them. I always worry that there must be something wrong with it. The one you ate was cooked by my family and now I have nothing to eat for the next week…"

"Pfft!" Wuxing had a straight face for a second but when she finished, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Dongmei had expected such a reaction from him, but she still felt embarrassed, crying out at him, "What are you laughing at?!"

Wuxing stood up from the bed after realising he didn't need to worry and said with a giggle, "I thought it is something serious. Isn't the solution simple? Just cook for yourself."

Dongmei only got more upset after hearing him.

She cried out, "It is serious! I can't cook!" before laying on her belly and covering her head with a pillow.