I Can Teach You (*)

Chief Warden watched the closed door and heard the sound of doors being locked from the inside with wonder. Turning towards the guards, the commented casually, "Miss Guan acted somewhat weird today…"

Normally, the guards would find that offensive if someone said that towards their miss, but in this situation, they couldn't agree more. They also spotted that something was wrong, but they couldn't just force their entry to figure out what.

"Thank you for relaying the message Chief Warden. Miss will take a day off today, she should be better by tomorrow. We will take care of her." The guard patted the confused warden on the shoulder, clearly telling between the lines that he should go now.

"Alright, I will relay the message to the other doctors. Their workload should increase but they should be able to manage for today. Tell Miss Guan that I wish her to quickly get back to health." Chief Warden understood the message and left soon after.

"We have to investigate… If anything is going on between them, we have to inform Sir Guan…" The guard quickly whispered towards his comrade, thinking of the worst case scenario.

They both looked towards the doors and the second guard commented, "I think the same. But we need to be one hundred percent sure, else Miss Guan will not forgive us…"

They quickly agreed on what had to be done and sighed, knowing that they would take a hit in either situation. They were quite unfortunate as the doors and walls were soundproof which limited their ways of finding out the truth.

Inside the apartment, just as Dongmei closed the doors and locked them, Wuxing quickly pulled her into his arms with one hand holding her belly while the other clutching her tender breast. This time she was the one who came to him first so he couldn't let her go without any proper teasing.

"Aaah, don't…" Dongmei protested right away as Wuxing started kissing her, leaving multiple hickeys across her neck. Her back was pressed on his chest while their waists rubbed against each other. She was supposed to beat him up and scold the heck out of him, but his actions immediately distracted her.

Wuxing bit her lightly on the ear before whispering, "We still didn't finish… Remember, you came to me yourself. Now you can't run away until we are both satisfied."

"Idiot... They must suspect us for sure now…" Dongmei scolded him weakly. She wanted to shout at him, but her voice couldn't find the power. Her body became very sensitive as she could feel each movement of his hands roaming around her body.

"They won't do anything unless they are sure there is something between us. Don't worry…" Wuxing assured her and feeling that she stopped resisting, he moved his second hand onto her chest and clutched two of her peaks at the same time.

"Aah… Not so strong…" Dongmei let out a soft moan and called out softly while resting her head on his shoulder. She wanted to push him away, but somehow her hands didn't have any strength. Laying on top of his, they followed with his rubbing motions instead of pulling them away.

"Mhmm…" With her head on his shoulder, he quickly switched from her neck onto her cheek before finding its way towards her lips, which triggered another moan filled with pleasure. Each time she fell into his arms, she would completely forget about her previous plans and just focus on his soft lips.

This time, there was one more thing that was distracting her and creating havoc in her mind. With her butt naked and their waists connected, she could feel something pressing on her. She knew exactly what it was which made it even worse for her.

Many thoughts filled her head as Wuxing's manhood already stood erected and found its place in between on her buttcheeks, 'Did I make him so hard…? It's rubbing me continuously in between... Aaaahh! I will go crazy…'

Just as she thought about it, Wuxing slipped his tongue inside her mouth before grabbing her hand and led it downwards towards his stomach. He started distracting her on two fronts while attacking from the third side.

Wuxing's erection was too long which caused it to already stick out from his underwear, standing straight as a spear. When Dongmei's hand landed on Wuxing's abs, he started lowering it until her fingers finally reached the goal he wanted.

"Mhmm~!" Dongmei exclaimed right away and pushed onto his chest which forced Wuxing against the wall. Her eyes opened and her hand dragged away on instinct. Pulling away from his lips, she said in confusion, "I didn't agree to it yet…" Dongmei was scared that once they move past a certain threshold, there was no going back.

Wuxing kissed her to calm her down and said softly while rubbing the tip of her nose with his, "It was you who made me like this… If I don't calm it down, it will hurt later…"

"Really…? I didn't know that…" Dongmei looked at him surprised, knowing that he was telling the truth and thought, 'To think such a thing happens… Why I didn't know about it… Do I help him…?'

As she hesitated, Wuxing added with a pained expression on his face, "It's okay if you don't want to help… I will just do it myself…" He let go of her hand and slowly reached out to do the job himself. He hoped she would stop him and it turned out he was lucky today.

Dongmei grabbed his hand midway and called out quietly, "No, wait… I can help… But…" She stopped in between, her face turning redder. Dongmei didn't know how to tell him that she actually didn't know what to do. She never had a partner and only watched romantic dramas, where such scenes were skipped.

Fortunately, Wuxing figured out what she wanted to say and assured her, "I can teach you." He was already rock hard so he didn't waste time. He suddenly picked her up into a princess carry position and approached the bed. She was completely clueless of what he wanted to do with her which made her anxious all of a sudden.

As Wuxing placed her gently on the bed, she quickly pulled down her nightgown to cover her exposed body, but Wuxing swiftly caught her hands and revealed it once again. Before she could protest, Wuxing already sealed her lips and started gently kneading her breasts. The anxiousness she felt a moment ago, slowly began to disappear and she started relaxing, trusting him with his knowledge.

For some reason, she felt hotter and hotter as her heart increased its pace. She felt pleasure from her bottom area which was always closed but now she was being rubbed there continuously by Wuxing's hard manhood. Just as Dongmei thought of stopping him, Wuxing pulled away from her lips and looked at her from above.

"They are great. I wouldn't mind playing with them the whole day… To think you were so beautiful up close." Wuxing said with a playful smile as he finally took a closer look at her body. The embarrassed face on the usual cold queen made her looked even more attractive than he thought she would. He wished for nothing else than to fully savor her right there.

Dongmei glared at him, as she covered her chest from his gaze and called out pretending she was indifferent, "Don't look! You said you needed my help. If you don't need it then I will go..."

Wuxing grinned seeing her acting and leaned over for another kiss, saying right after while looking at her flushed face, "Let me satisfy you a bit first."

Before she responded, he grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her chest and dived down, finally sucking on one of her ample breasts.