Tattoo (*)

"What? Was it really that bad?" Wuxing asked as he reached out to gently rub her cheek, still keeping her in his embrace. He was moving really quick but knowing that he only had five days, he didn't have much time to spare.

"It wasn't bad… I liked it and that's what I hate about it…" Dongmei muttered with a complicated expression on her face. She hated lies in general so she didn't think of lying to him about her feelings.

"Then isn't it fine? To be honest, I'm already holding back. I want to eat you up completely every time I look at you and feel your smooth, silky skin. Who asked you to be so beautiful?" Wuxing continued to work on her confused feelings, kissing her gently to consolidate his words.

Dongmei kissed him right after he tried to separate from her and called out, each time separated her words with another kiss, "Dummy… Big Dummy… I hate you…"