Black Panther

"Watch out!" Wuxing pulled Dongmei by the hand back into his arms, backing away a few steps, only to see a black shadow drop right at the spot where Dongmei would be if not for Wuxing's pull.

"Raawr!" A two meters long panther growled at them as she stared at them with her almond coloured eyes. As they walked around in the jungle, they realised they were not the only existence in here as there were many animals there together with them.

Not only normal animals but there were also many predatory ones which they had to be careful of. This panther was their second encounter with such creatures, where in the first one they, fortunately, happened to scare the hungry cat away.

The higher they climbed on the main mountain of the island, the more animals they expected to see. They probably sensed a lot of human activity by one of the coasts so they didn't approach the prison area.