Parent's Call

"What did you say...?" Guan Dong asked calmly, clearly in more shock that he thought he would be. He knew of such possibility but he didn't think the worst-case scenario that he thought of actually happened.

"I said I have a boyfriend," Dongmei repeated clearly, a bit louder than before so that her father would understand her this time. With the way she said it, they knew that she wasn't joking.

Instead of getting frustrated like her husband, Guan Mei smiled at her daughter and called out happily, "That's great! To think that my daughter finally found herself a boyfriend. Who is the lucky one? Do we know him? You never mentioned that you have someone in your eye."

"You don't know him yet… Unless you guys got informed by my guards already. If that's the case, I bet you know who I am talking about." Dongmei shook her head but then she squinted her eyes as she stared at her father, trying to figure out if they knew anything.