
Searching for his wife in the whole house, Guan Dong finally found her on the rooftop of their mansion. Guan Mei was watering the plants of their rooftop garden while listening to classical music on the modern gramophone. She didn't like to wear headphones and instead prefer listening to open music like this.

When Guan Dong saw her like that, he knew she was trying to relax and calm her nerves as that was her usual ritual after their arguments. At first, he thought that maybe he should turn around and come back later but in the end, he decided to proceed with his plan.

With a recording of Wuxing's confession and their agreement, he approached her, walking normally, so she could hear he was coming. Without even turning around, Guan Mei called out, "Don't bother me. I'm still mad at you and I don't want to argue anymore. Unless you came to apologize, I don't want to talk to you."