Planned Argument

'You must be joking, right? There is no way I would admit that. It will definitely ruin my relationship with Dongmei. You are clearly breaking the rules.' Wuxing asked in his mind, getting agitated after hearing Devil Face's mumbo jumbo.

'Of course, I'm not breaking any rules. I only promised that my missions won't hurt your loved ones. I only asked you to inform her parents of what you did. It doesn't hurt her in any way, right?' Devil Face argued, trying to pull an act on him but Wuxing wasn't someone who would easily get bullied.

'Don't fuck with me. Dongmei will obviously get hurt if her parents take her away from me because of that. Don't try to go around and think it doesn't break the rules.' Wuxing quickly countered Devil Face with facts to which he had to agree.