Play Pretend

"Mom… sniff..." Dongmei called out softly, sniffing as if she was about to cry. Guan Mei immediately realised that something was wrong with her daughter and replied worriedly, "Dongmei, what happened…? Don't cry… Mommy is here, just talk to me..."

"Are you talking to Dongmei? What happened?" Guan Dong who happened to be near his wife quickly asked when he heard her but Guan Mei simply shushed him and asked again into the phone, thinking that she knew what going on, "Dongmei, did you two fight?"

"Mhmm… Sniff… We had a big fight right now…" Dongmei covered her eyes with a pillow, sounding a bit abashed. She didn't know where this conversation was going to as she was only improvising. She wanted to help Wuxing and she decided that being direct about it would be much better.